


5 years, 1 month ago



Cadence, better known as Cade, is a self proclaimed Air Ride Racer. While she appears to be an angsty teen, she is actually quite lovable and cares about most of her friends.

Weapons & Abilities


Nocturne is a gun with a bayonet attached. The dagger can be taken off, and Cade will tend to dual wield it with her gun in close combat, however she prefers not to do that. The gun is automaticish. If the trigger is held down it will shoot three energy shots in rapid succession before pausing. The gun does take cartridges but they're hard to come by in W-10 so she rarely uses them. If Timpani is destroyed, it can still shoot quite a few rounds before it needs to be manually charged.


A yoyo, which is also a sort of battery for Nocturne. It stores energy for the gun to shoot, but can also be used as a weapon that can electrocute foes. The yoyo can also self destruct and set off a big electrical explosion. This isn't preferable so Cade uses this as a last resort. 


Cade can create, resist, and manipulate electrical energy. She can even absorb energy from outlets and T.V.s and store them in either herself or Timpani. If she's focused, she can predict the movements of organic beings via electric currents.


  • She has amazing reaction time outside of the race track.
  • She adapts well to new weapons and environments.
  • She can eat a lot.


  • EMPs can disable her equipment and lose all of her stored energy. On some occasions she can even be put unconscious with EMPs.
  • She sucks at driving Air Machines. She's slightly better at driving Wheelies, but only because of their A.I.
  • Cade cannot stand the heat at all. Especially if it's humid.