Tako ✦



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info





Species traits

Fennec ears, cloven hooves, sharp teeth










Bowling, beef jerky, accessorizing


Pollution in oceans



Info is a WIP, 


Tako's favorite animal was always the octopus, ever since he was little he found the intelligent sea creatures to be squishy and cute in their own way. He liked the other cephalopods too, but octopuses were his primary favorite. When he'd visit aquariums with other kids they'd always say if he were a sea animal he'd be a shark for his sharp teeth, but he always corrected them that he'd be an octopus and his teeth would be a sharp beak! His fascination led him to want to become a Cephalopodiatrist when he grew up, with his stockings developing to reflect that, and he would work hard studying to make that dream a reality.

After years of visiting aquariums and labs, studying cephalopods' anatomies, behaviors and ecology, etc., working hard in school while even taking community college classes during high school, Tako still couldn't afford to go to college for a Ph. D. So he decided he'd save some years, and take his experience, knowledge, and CPR/scuba diving certification to work at the local small aquarium he internshipped for, eventually working his way up as a keeper for the cephalopods. Tako's passion didn't stop once he got his dream job though. He became an advocate within his community for preserving/protecting all sea life, mainly by stopping pollution and hosting beach cleanups, with the recycled plastic being re-purposed for better uses.


Tako's passion and services led to the ears of big names all around, including a popular fashion designer who invited him to be the lead model and spokesperson on an upcoming design line for an ocean preservation campaign. Tako agreed on two conditions: he could help design his octopus themed outfit, and he could do it all from his hometown so he could still work as a cephalopod keeper. The designer agreed, and even invited him to feature his aquarium friends in part of his campaign shoot! The other part would be on an ocean coast where the models would be photographed observing and even interacting with some of the marine life, under the guidance of marine specialists of course. 

During the shoot Tako notices a small, unusual, roughed up baby octopus using an ink cloud to escape from some otters. Tako rushes to rescue, reaching his hand in the water. The octopus feels the hand with an arm, before wrapping around it securely with suction cups. Tako takes it as a sign of trust and pulls the little octopus to safety, who then began staying by his side the rest of the shoot. At the end Tako invites him to come home with Tako to live in his aquarium. The baby octo agrees, and Tako names his new friend Yaki!

The campaign was a big hit in raising funds and awareness of preserving marine life and cleaning oceans, and gained a bit of tourism to the aquarium Tako worked at! Which of course led to a  good raise and promotion.

Cuddly Cuttle

After the campaign, a frequent visitor to the aquarium was an old school classmate of Tako's, a fellow Dainty named Tony. He usually came alone and would draw the sea life, and one day Tako decided to approach him while the other was observing Yaki. Tako gave some cephalopod facts and told him how he met Yaki during the campaign shoot. Tony is impressed and recalled noticing in school how much Tako loved cephalopods, and compliments him on reaching his dreams. He thanks him, and also recalls Tony wanting to be a freelancer by pointing out his drawings of Yaki. Tony blushes at him remembering that, and says that it's not so easy, and he gets by paying bills with revenue from his ASMR channel. Tako asks Tony if he'd be interested in being commissioned to paint murals for different aquarium sections based on the habitants, and that he'd try to convince the owners since the place could use some more livening up with all the new tourists. Tony accepts, and the two bond while at work together.

After Tony finished all the murals, Tako invites him to dinner to celebrate, then Tony invited him to lunch and a movie the next day, and the two began spending even more and more days together. Eventually Tony gained help from Yaki to ask Tako to go steady with him by having Yaki use various materials from within his tank to make Tony and Tako with a heart around them, to which Tako of course said yes. Within a few months Tony moved into Tako's apartment with him since it was closer to the aquarium, and there was also a cafe at the bottom of the apartment's Tony could purchase sweets from to eat for his channel. Which just so happened to be run by tenant who was a fan of Tony's channel, a Dainty gal named Laura.

Masterlist entry