✫ Adam ✫



5 years, 2 months ago


Self proclaimed master jedi

Name Adam Joshua Sanchez
Sexuality Straight
Age 20
Gender Male
Height 5'9
Species Sonoran Desert Wolf
Occupation Student
Theme Mariposa

 Adam is a Sonoran Desert Wolf, who's been a close friend of Tommy and Nova ever since they were children. Adam's a very friendly, quiet, and kind guy; Often seen with the guys on the football team, and in his free time he often sits outside freely playing away on his guitar that he had gotten from his father at a young age. He loves to be around his many friends and family, and aside from also being a gamer, he is quite a big fan of Star Wars too!


  • His gf Nikki
  • Hugs
  • Playing Guitar
  • Sports 


  • Seafood
  • Most Insects
  • Crowded Areas
  • Losing those close to him


"Let's just say I was testing the bounds of reality."


  • Adam and Tyler are of Hispanic descent, as their parents are immigrants from Mexico.
  •  He was originally designed by my friend LiticaHarmony on Deviantart, who is also a Mexican furry artist! I gave him a little redesign.
  •  Ironically, he's actually one of my oldest OCs! He was one of the first OCs I had since I joined the fandom in 2013.
  • BIPOC-coded OCs are always good, no?
  • I admittedly shoved my love for Star Wars and Space stuff onto both him and Tyler.


Mariposa - Peach Tree Rascals


Tyler  [ Younger Brother ]

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Aurora  [ Adoptive Little Sister ]

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Riley  [ Girlfriend ]

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