
Name H'elmii
Species Pakaasu
Age 54
Height ?
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation [undecided]
Status Open Relationship
Occupation Noble

location Juuou Clan
Theme [song]

A Pakaasu of fancy taste and power but heart of gold.

Born in the year of 907 to a high ranking noble family of the Juuou Clan.
H'elmii quickly became known as the "Pearl of the Juuou Clan", having been spoiled since birth for her Princess-like looks alone. She was quick to learn that she could easily manipulate those around her due to her family's status.

While she was taught to fight like any other in the clan, it was only to be able to protect herself, as she wouldn't be allowed to fight in battles. Even so, she was ok with this, preferring not to fight and to be able to work more behind the scenes. Despite this, H'elmii still claims that she's became a pretty well rounded adult of her clan, being sure to work her hardest to help the clan were needed.

Becoming bored as she reached adulthood, H'elmii realized that she would never have any real pull in the clan; Not while her parents still lived anyway. So she began to seek out underground activities within the clan, finding herself becoming associated with pirates and other rough types of the area.

Though she's generally friendly will her fellow nobles, she has become extremely close with Udara over the years. Her underground talent came in handy when her friend's ship was taken hostage by the pirate Caspian. H'elmii became outraged when Udara's clan planned to let her be sacrificed, rather than pay the pirate off. When Udara took her life into her own hands and she was received home safely, H'elmii was sure to pay Caspian well in a thanks of keeping the young girl alive.

Moving forward from there, H'elmii would go to Caspian with jobs when she could. The two even started receiving Udara's help once H'elmii felt better about their relationship.

H'elmii and Udara started dating in secret from their clans, hoping to be able to raise in their own right in the future.

[ Info as of the year 961. ]

  • Will provide "aftercare" for abused clan[s] slaves if wished.