


5 years, 2 months ago


*This character is due for a slight redesign - mostly just wanna make her look more snake-like.

Just listen right 'ere - I WANT to be a target!

Raised in the same orphanage as the infamous Mister Monume, Lifmel was his best friend, and he was her crush. When Monume completely changed that day and became a criminal, Lifmel was disgusted and heartbroken. She didn't know what had caused this. Monume ran away to lead his own gang, not before threatening to kill Lifmel if she ever tells anyone his first name.

Ever since then, and ever since the town's police force was created and a sheriff was wanted, Lifmel was the only one to want the position. No one else truly wanted to be sheriff in fear of becoming the Fari Bangos', and by extension Monume's, main target. But Lifmel wanted to be a target - she wanted to do something about Monume. She wasn't sure what. Arrest him? Bring him back to his old self? Kill him? She was sure that when they met again, she would know.

Her pursuit of this goal and the doubt from other folk around her makes her irritable and she can snap at a moment's notice. She is extremely smug when she accomplishes something big, which is often thanks to her skills, taught by the one and only Monume. Too bad her town doesn't want a woman or snake as their sheriff.