


5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Age (human equivalent)





Growing up in Gundalia's more cramped regions, he got fed up with the noise, pressure and darkness of the frugal life underground. He joined the military to escape the working class and, as a low-level recruit, was partnered with a rather stubborn Bakugan [→Scura], who surprisingly took a liking to his similar personality, and they managed to work their way up the ranks quickly.

He'd always wanted to leave his home planet, so he offered to accompany (a group of) negotiators on their way to Neathia due to his bakugan's protective abilities. The negotiations failed, however, due to an interruption by the emperor himself, who didn't have any peaceful intent from the start. Fearing he might not be able to come back to Neathia without the order to destroy anything in the military's way, he decided it'd be better to abandon his group, making him a deserter. Since the Gundalians left a hostile impression and weren't welcome on Neathia, he took the only negotiator who had previously earned the Neathians' trust [→Daelia] with him, saving her from being obliterated by the emperor's rage.

At first, they fled from both Gundalian and Neathian soldiers to avoid being captured and punished, but as the Gundalian ships had left, Daelia tried to keep Suras from fighting off any Neathian guards that came after them. Still, after starting a few battles with the Guard, he had to be taken by force, since he didn't want to risk being sent back home.

He and Daelia are captured, but Dae is given a chance to explain their situation - as betrayers/deserters they'd get a death sentence were they to return to Gundalia, so she convinces the guards they have no intent to destroy or kill and wish for a peaceful cooperation. After some time of observing their behaviour they let them go, although they have to agree to stay outside of the protective shields (which was more strict for Suras than Daelia).

In the Neathian jungle, Suras finally has the freedom he wished for, although it's not easy for both him and Scura to adapt to this new environment. Eventually, he notices that he's being watched by a lone Neathian [→Reyne] who left the safety of the Shields to escape recruitment of the Castle Knights for the upcoming war. He knows the dangers of the jungle's wilderness and offers to help them, which Suras only accepts because he realises he won't make it far unless he learns how to make his way through this new life. As a stone-carver, Reyne is familiar with his home planet's resources, and they reside in caves they find during their explorations.