(Mascot) Alc (Human Ver.)



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Alc
Called Freak
Age 21
DoB 05/19
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her or They/Them
Species Human(ish)
Role Inventor and Scientist


  • Cacti (or any succulents)
  • Soda
  • Watermelon
  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Loud & Sudden Noises
  • Conflict
  • Malfunctions with the weapons and tools she creates
  • Heat



Disaster Gay™

Alc is basically a disaster trying their best. What she lacks in intimidation she makes up for in improvisation. When put into a bad situation she can often make quick use of her surroundings and often takes immediate note of things in rooms and how rooms are set up. She can come off as rather brash and harsh, but she's "just being honest." She tries to be level-headed, but oftentimes finds herself stuck to her side on things and will rarely change an opinion unless thoroughly convinced. While she isn't exactly the tallest person, she can still move with quick haste when needed. She is in decent shape and exercises rather frequently.

Alc doesn't have too many memories from her past, but the ones she can remember are nice enough. She grew up a decent life without too much misfortune, other than her arm, of course. Alc lost her arm in a small car accident back when she was around 15. There weren't too many injuries other than her arm needing to be amputated and the driver suffering a concussion. After the incident she did her best to work on a replacement arm, although it was immensly diffucult with just one available arm. The first prototype arm was made of an almost tin can type material and was very flimsy, but it worked. She's gone through multiple different variations of arms, and will presumably go through more changes in the future, but for now her current arm works just fine and she's content with that.


She can be very shy at first, but opens up pretty quickly if appraoched with a topic that interests her.

She works in a lab that she owns.

She designs and makes weapons, as well as upgrading and improving currently made weapons.

She drinks a lot of soda when stressed.

Her ability, Feather Flight, allows her to take on the form of any bird she chooses (within reason of course,) or sprout feathered wings.

Whenever she feels strong emotions her right arm can start steaming.


Too Fake
Sha La La La La
Song Title
Song Title
Song Title


Some Sorta Binch (Teno)

An absolute nasty boy. Alc appreciates him, but would totally sell his soul to the devil for half a can of soda and thats a fact. They're goblins, what else is there to say?

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
