The Dream Monsters (Aritomo's Curse [Mutation])



1 year, 4 months ago


Aritomo's Curse [Dream Monster Curse Mutation]

Aritomo's Curse, also known as "Akuma's Curse" or "The Mutation", is a newly discovered mutation of the original Dream Monster Curse. This variant affects the flesh directly and grows externally on the host, like a skin condition or some kind of red rash. The condition is extremely rare and non-contagious, but has a 100% fatality rate. No cure for this condition is currently known. Remedies are available for those affected with this condition to mitigate the pain and alieve symptoms as the mutation progresses, but nothing can be prescribed or treated to completely get rid of the condition. If the condition forms on a limb, the option to amputate is available and has a 99% rate of stopping the condition. However, if all areas of the mutated flesh are not removed, even the smallest area, the condition will continue to grow and spread itself once again. If the condition spreads around the eyes, the eyes will change into Dream Monster eyes and may have a random glowing color.

The first known individual to contract this mutation, otherwise known as Patient Zero, is a man named Aritomo Matsumoto. He was a world-class swordsman and instructor also named "Akuma" at Sunset City Training School and previously known to be a world-traveling instructor as well. How he contracted the mutation remains unclear, as he had shown no signs of trauma or any sort of typical signs of onset Dream Monster Disease. The condition was unofficially named after Aritomo by the local populous as news spread of the new condition.
Studies done on Aritomo showed that the mutation had no kind of activity like a black core in a typical host with the Dream Monster Disease would. It is determined that the mutation is a brainless parasite that feeds on the hosts flesh and spreads from the first point of growth to then the entire body, killing the host and the mutated spreading mass in the process.
Once the condition has taken over the entire body, the brain may still be active for a short period of time until it completely dies. The body may move and walk during this period, but it is only neurological reactions as the body is deteriorating internally. The body may become highly aggressive and will attack anything that may be close by, it is advised to lock an infected individual in a room with no windows or any other location where they could not hurt anything around it as the death process occurs. Options for assissted suicide are available as well for those infected with the condition where amputation is not an option.

Those affected by the mutation cannot spread it to others whatsoever. No form of contact via touch or virally can spread the condition, and it has been confirmed that it is safe to be with affected individuals. The condition may completely spread over the course of several months to several years, if given treatments the condition's speed of spread can be slowed down to prolong life for the host. Why this condition forms is unclear to scientists and doctors around the world; it is currently a frightening and unknown phenomenon that modern medicine is trying to tame and extinguish.