Caius Dragelion



5 years, 2 months ago



"With you by my side, my confidence is never far behind"


FULL NAME:: Caius Ignis Dragelion
AGE:: 24
ORIENTATION:: Demisexual
HOMEWORLD:: Eos (Episode Ignis Timeline)

HEIGHT:: 6'4
HAIR/EYES/SKIN:: Blonde/Brown/Fair


Until recently, Caius was cold. He was cold as ice, focusing solely on his work and getting paid. All he knew was his job and his honor, and those were his sole focuses. He was, and still is a true blue workaholic. But he was constantly calm, blunt, didn't mince words when his opinions came out but generally didn't say more than necessary. If the job was honorable, and it paid well, he took it. He kept away from social activity, having not known much of it growing up. Forced to grow up too fast and being put in a position where he had to protect himself from a very young age, Caius shut himself away, keeping his feelings and emotions to himself and never involving others in his private affairs.

Even as a member of the Kingsglaive, Caius was business oriented, and while he found common ground and belonging with the Glaives, he remained quiet and reserved. While he enjoyed their company, he was too used to his isolation to ever truly open or warm up. Any progress toward doing so was destroyed when Caius was torn away from his fellow Glaives and sent to Zephon. Taken away from his belonging, Caius completely shut himself out once again and returned to working and keeping himself in isolation. But something happened. A woman he met in the world of Zephon by the name of Celes was one that he was able to find common ground with, and eventually began to open up to. He began speaking more at length not just with her, but with others in turn as his heart slowly began to warm again. After the Daemon Summoner Cortez broke Caius, it was Celes who brought him back before he could embark on a fruitless, vengeance-fueled quest to kill him. With her insistence that she refused to let him go alone, and the realization that he no longer had to shut himself away or had to be alone anymore, Caius slowly began to open up. His heart being brought out to the surface, the mercenary has found himself to be a warmer soul in the time since, slowly learning to be more open and outgoing. His social skills are slowly improving, and he has even been doing his reading to better broaden his understanding of social norms and customs. Caius has even developed a bit of a sense of humor, albeit slightly on the dry side most of the time. Caius is also almost completely clueless about romance, though has been doing his reading on that instance as well ever since the entire scenario with Celes...


Once a hunter and mercenary in Eos, the former Kingsglaive member had spent many of his years hunting creatures, demons, people... Whatever he was paid to hunt, so long as it was honourable. After joining the Battle of Insomnia, Caius had found new purpose as a member of the Kingsglaive until being pulled into another world ripped that away from him as well. It was here that he sought a new purpose until meeting Celes, which would lead him to forming and leading the Dragonblades.

Caius' combat style can change depending on necessity. He is a calculated tactician, capable of preparing and executing strategies within moments. Despite this, he prefers a blow-to-blow sword style, balancing power and strategy to end battles quickly if he can. As a former member of the Kingsglaive who was never officially de-commissioned, Caius is capable of summoning his weapons to him for use, as well as being capable of warp-striking, air-control, the Point Warp, blipping and creating barriers. Of course, not being a part of the royal lineage, these powers take more of a toll on him than it would they...

Caius wields the gunblade Itamen (Meaning "Bright-eyed" and the double-sided short gunblade "Isp" (Meaning "calm" or "serene"). In the absence of ammunition, Caius is able to use his own energy to create energy bullets as a substitute. Itamen is a one-handed sword, with a golden hilt and trigger which holds the Dragelion family crest on the center. bullets are fired from. Itamen fires shotgun-like blasts that have a further range and more power, but each shot requires a fair bit of energy and the blade must be reloaded after every shot fired. Itamen is best suited for precision shots. Isp is actually two daggers, both with gunblade capabilities, with a similar design and color scheme to Itamen. It's bullets can be fired in rapid succession and each recharge is good for 20 shots. They take less of Caius' energy, but with their lack of power in comparison to Itamen they are meant to be fired rapidly in order to overwhelm opponents. Caius generally pulls at the blades to split them into the two daggers, though the two-sided blade can still be used even if isn't the most convenient weapon to use. If Caius is forced into a situation where he doesn't have a chance to split the blades, pulling the trigger will fire from both ends. The daggers will return to their original form when de-summoned.


In an alternate timeline to Eos, King Noctis Lucis Caelum survived the events of the Ten Years Of Darkness and the end of the Starscourge alongside his Crownsguard and Kingsglaive. But we're going to go back to a long time ago, years before the stars were afflicted by their scourge.

A young boy was left with a friend of a man who's name was unknown. A hunter and farmer in Lucis, this man would raise the child as his own, dubbing him the name of "Josh". Josh grew up learning to tend to the farm, and before he was a teenager he had begun to learn to fight. While he was naturally gifted, he still had much to learn at that young of an age...

And then the Starscourge brought plague to their world.

The family was taken hostage by a gang of bandits, looters who waylaid vehicles and settlements for resources, killing everyone that stood in their way. With only his father being capable of putting up a proper fight and Josh himself still being relatively experienced, they were beaten to near death and offered a choice. Either they joined their group, or his mother and his adopted sister would be ravaged and killed, and they would join them in death soon after. Faced with no choice, his father was forced to sell their services in exchange for their lives.

For several years, Josh went against every bit of what he had been taught growing up as he would participate in brutal raids, killing innocent people just for the selfish desires of those who did not wish to partake in society and earn those resources the right way. Every day was a living hell, every day was a day that he knew he had to get out of bed and do something that he would hate himself for forever. Every day he would wake up and dream of escaping this life of misery and get somewhere far away where they couldn't touch them.

His father felt the same, and one day the family would sneak out of the camp and try to escape to civilization where they could blend in and be saved. They were caught, and despite continuing to run, he watched as his adopted family was cut down one by one. He was implored to keep running, and through some miracle, he managed to escape.

Left with nothing and nobody, he took the only route he knew. Becoming a hunter in order to provide for himself, he lied about his age to the hunter's commission to gain entry and soon began hunting creatures, demons, and even on the side serving as a mercenary that took on human beings if necessary. As the years went on, his natural gifts as a warrior would bear fruit, and he would become a hunter worth fearing. He worked alone generally and never did develop ample social skills. Instead he committed himself to his craft completely, applying himself to where not even demons could match him, despite his age. The years went on and he had made a name for himself as a hunter, but with the state the world was in, hunter rates were too low and he barely made enough to support himself...

This forced him to take on more and more dangerous jobs. The more he did so, the more often that he barely came back at all. His senses were honed, his instincts were incredible, but his body took damage beyond what one his age should be every single day. Yet, the economy continued to drop with the problem of looters, and so he had to continue doing so. He knew that if he kept doing this... He was going to die. And he was going to die soon. Sooner or later, he was going to bite off more than he could chew.

That moment came when the hunter would make the journey to Insomnia, joining the Kingsglaive in their final stand against the daemons. During his stay, the Chosen King would return. The hunter had been in the bunker when the Chosen King gave his rallying cry, with words that would resonate with him for the rest of his life.

"Brothers and sisters, brave warriors of Lucis... You've done well these ten years. And I thank you. You've done so much, all for my sake... Even as the darkness overcame our world, we kept the light in our hearts. We've all lost friends and loved ones along the way, but the one thing we never lost was hope. Brothers and sisters, I ask you to stand by me and fight by my side - for the light and for the future of our world!"

Something about his words called to him. Something about those words inspired the hunter to fight harder than he had ever fought to rout out the daemons. Seeing his capabilities, he was approached by the Kingsglaive. With the Glaives of King Regis present to assist in performing the proper rites, he was sworn into the Kingsglaive and granted his power by the Chosen King Noctis...

And became part of the family, of sorts.

Family... It was something he hadn't thought in so long. He'd long forgotten much of his old self, the name "Josh" was all he had left of his old life, and his former last name was long lost to him. He'd always known he'd been adopted, knew the name was not truly his... And yet, that name he'd been given was all that he had left. He had no grasp left of family, after so long by himself.

Truly belonging somewhere... With actual people...

It was such a wonderful feeling.

A package arrived one day, the courtier stating it was for a "Caius Dragelion". Insisting he was so, the courier would refuse to accept otherwise as he left. Asking around and finding that the Dragelion family was a noble family within the Kingdom Of Lucis, he would open the package to find inside a blade that once belonged to the former patriarch, once thought lost during an assassination attempt long ago. With this knowledge, he started to wonder truly where he came from... Though with his skepticism, he asked his colleagues to continue to call him Josh, denying his apparent true name. Yet he continued to look for information... He had to know, he had to know who he was! Did he have family? He needed to know!

But a day came that an assassin attempted to take the life of the King. Being in the vicinity, the young Glaive would give chase. It was during this struggle that he was pulled upwards... And awoke in a land he did not know. In his sleep, he heard the words...




He remembered now... He remembered very little but enough in early memories to know that was his name. He accepted it then, he accepted his name and sought to finally discovery his heritage...

But his heritage, his old family, and his new family... None of it were here.

He knew deep down... He wasn't in Eos anymore. Yet he tried. He tried to ask around, but nobody had heard of Lucis, or anywhere near it. It took time, but he had to finally accept that everything he had worked for... All the people he had met, his belonging... His family... His quest to find who he was...

It was gone. It was all gone.

He was alone again.

It hadn't been so bad the first time he told himself... Over and over he told himself this but it just wasn't the same anymore. He had learned of family... And had it taken away. Trying to provide for himself once again, he was forced to start over in order to survive. He became a mercenary, for deep down he knew full well that fighting was still all that he knew how to do.

He wandered the land then, for the thrill of the fight, for the profit... And deep down he hoped perhaps he would find where he truly belonged. For a year and half, now going by his true name, Caius shut himself away again.

At least, until Celes came along. For one reason or another, he found himself opening up to her and with it, it became easier to open up to others ever so slowly. Forging a partnership of sorts with Celes, the two would commonly be seen going on jobs together. But it was a job involving the investigation of undead reports that changed Caius' life forever. Within the depths of the cave, Caius came face to face with the very daemons that had plagued most of his lifetime. Their summoner turned out to be the very same assassin that tried to kill His Majesty all that time ago. He claimed to have been the one to gift him Lonoaw, and who had revealed to him his true name. The one who Caius had hoped perhaps he would one day in Zephon turned out to be the very man that took his family away, and arranged the deaths of his adopted family. As if to rub salt in the wound, the man, who claimed to be a former nobleman by the name of Cortez, would set Caius' own brother on him. With his brother reanimated as a daemon, Caius was forced to slay him as his walls slowly began to come down. Next sending his adopted sister in similar form, Cortez hoped to completely break Caius while Celes was kept at bay with his troop of daemons. Cortez himself was obsessed with revenge, in his eyes having been wronged by Caius' family and seeking to avenge all he had lost to them, by killing them all before taking his army of daemons to complete his conquest that he felt he was entitled to.

Caius was unable to strike his sister, and in response to his pleads for mercy the daemon summoner would play one final card. Painfully destroying the body of the one he cared so much for, Cortez got his wish as Caius hit rock bottom. Mentally broken, Caius was left for dead with the admission by Cortez that he was no threat to him. Caius' anguish soon turned to anger and he was intent on setting out to exact his revenge on Cortez for killing his family. It was the words of Celes that stopped Caius from becoming exactly like the man that he hated. Bringing him to his senses and urging him that he no longer had to be alone, Caius was able to overcome his ordeal. Despite that, his walls had been destroyed and his entire being had been reduced to rubble. Beginning to mentally and emotionally rebuild himself from the ground up, Caius found a new lease in life with the words of Celes in mind. The two agreed that if he was to go after Cortez... They would fight him together. Caius opened up not just to others, but to a new life that lay on the horizon. Caius and Celes formed the DRAGONBLADES, a mercenary unit meant to take jobs involving helping people and giving a place of belonging to those seeking it. Together, perhaps they could keep this world safe from people like Cortez.



What had happened? Where was the assassin? Where was His Majesty? His memory of the events prior was hazy, and he still felt fairly dizzy, but...

There... It was starting to come back to him now.


"His Majesty has been attacked!"


One of the Crownsguard had ran by, escorting the injured King of Lucis away from the scene. A man so fast he was almost like a shadow had ran by prior, though the Glaive hadn't thought too much of it. But then it all began to click. The man who had gone by the name "Josh" until recently under the glaives would realize just what he'd missed, and immediately take off. Whoever that was, had attempted to kill His Majesty, and part of his job was keeping His Majesty safe! Caius would dash forward as fast as his long legs could carry him, long blonde hair blowing back behind him wildly as he would throw caution to the wind in a reckless attempt to increase his speed as much as possible to catch his foe.

The assassin was already a ways away though, and had already reached the floor below. Looking at the staircase, than the railway, Caius knew that he needed to make a decision... His own safety? Or his duty? Because he had an idea, but he wasn't quite sure how it was going to go...

Deciding to throw caution to the wind in favor of duty, the Glaive would decide to leap over the railing, just over the head of the fleeing would-be assassin. He would find himself free-falling for a few moments, as he would draw his sword. The gunblade Lonoaw, one apparently linked to his family when delivered to him anonymously with the messenger refusing to take otherwise that he was this "Caius Dragelion", would be drawn and Caius would quickly throw the blade at the assassin. Warp-striking forward, Caius would slam his body into that of the assassin, catching the blade and tackling his foe down. Quickly pinning his down and holding the blade to his throat, Caius decided it was time to ask questions. The adrenaline rush from the risk he'd taken - with the Warp-Strike and the assassin's body breaking his fall - was still going it seemed by the harsh, loud tone of his voice.

"WHO SENT YOU? ANSWER ME!" He let out in a growl. This man had tried to kill the King of Lucis, a man who'd done him much kindness and gotten him out of a tough spot... This wasn't something he was about to forgive. The assassin would grab one of their duel blades and attempt to strike back, but Caius was quicker. Caius would switch to the firearm side and fire at the blade, sending it flying away from them. With that, he would then aim it at their skull.

"Don't make me fire again" He warned. But before the assassin could speak, a flash of light erupted over their heads... Suddenly he felt himself being sucked in, as his grip on the assassin was lost...

It had gone dark. All was black, pure darkness. He found himself alone with nothing but his thoughts... And a name echoing in his head.




He remembered, now... Yes... He'd been called this name once. That was his name, truly... He'd not accepted it yet, and had asked the other Glaives to call him by the name he'd taken years ago. But now... Yes. This was his name. This was his past, and it would be his future.

There was no reason to hide from it anymore. And now, with this affirmation, that curiosity of who he was and where his family was from, had become a need...


He knew one thing though, as he would look out at the landscape. He was no longer anywhere he recognized... And somehow, he felt it. He felt as though he was no longer in Eos.

His quest to find out the truth about his heritage... The people he'd gotten to know... His job with the Kingsglaive and the sense of belonging and purpose that it had brought...

It hit him then. And it hit him hard.

He had lost everything once again.