Vitus Vetari's Comments

Ahhh you subscribed to me so I looked through you characters, and I saw this dude!!! I've seen stuff of him on Google when searching stuff and I love him so much, I'm actually super happy to finally see who owns him omg. Tysm for the subscribe!

And sorry for the rambling, moderately fangirling because I love this character so much aaa

Haha, no worries! THanks so much! It was actually by pure chance that I actually got him when smoosh was selling him and I was so happy! He's one of my faves as well. I'm so glad you like him! Ramble away! 

You have some lovely babes as well! Sir Orrik and Vasaad tho XD 

Ahhh I'm so jealous! He's so pretty and I love his colors

Thank you!! Sir Orrick is probably the most expensive OC I have on terms of how much I had to spend to get him xD It was worth it tho, I love him a lot

Haha, I can understand why. Super cool. Your glowy Naga's awesome too. idk his name but I saw him the other day and he's sweet too XD 

Ah, that's Rasmus!! I love him a lot, I just don't get to use him or roleplay as him a lot RIP

Aww, he's a lovely boy! I like him a lot! 

And I haven't found many people to RP with lately either unfortunately. It sucks. But I keep collecting babes just in case XD 

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