
5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Connor Atticus Schleier


The Engineer






Texas, Missouri


"Bullshit" | Agender (They/Them)


"Bullshit" | Quiromantic/A Mess

Notable diagnoses

Bipolar I, Autism spectrum disorder, Congenital leg deformities (curved feet)

Langauges (In order of fluency)



Playlist: 🎶
Theme: 🎵 Bonus: 🎵


  • 126-140 lbs (fluctuates depending on health), wiry build
  • 5'6''
  • THICK brunette hair in a bowl cut with electric green tips
  • Hazel monolid eyes
  • Light olive skin
  • Patchy facial hair stubble
  • Mostly wears various robot/AI media T-shirts with long skirts and green patterned socks; will wear hoodies and a coat in winter
  • Uses an ultra lightweight wheelchair
  • Has full-rimmed glasses
  • Mannerisms: Often stims by rolling a quarter across their knuckles; vocally stims with many robot/electronic noises; will lift themselves up and down in their chair
  • Motivations: The pursuit of creating artificial sentient consciousness, Learning, Self-sufficiency, Friends
  • Flaws: Pessimistic, Suspicious, Obsessive, Unforgiving
  • Strengths: Ambitious, Protective, Patient, Determined
  • Hobbies: Building robots/Coding, Taking things apart to see how they work, Researching, Watching/playing media pertaining to AIs and robots
  • Birthday: July 30th
  • Education: High school diploma, a ridiculous amount of books and tutorial videos and trial-and-error
  • Occupation: "Liu's Body Shop" accountant/IT technician
  • Religion: Atheist
  • Politics: Libertarian
  • Favorite color: Green
  • Favorite food: Macaroni and cheese
  • Favorite possession: Their code file containing the Synthetic Intelligent Life Initiative (SILI), their attempt at creating a self-evolving software lifeform (who is currently little more than a neural network)
  • Favorite weapon: Their wheelchair (RIP the toes of their enemies)
  • Favorite animal: Robots
Key Relationships:
  • Liu Fai Dong - Mentor/Landlord/Friend
  • Benjamin "Benny" Liu - Mentor/Landlord/Friend
  • Asadi Habib - Video game friend
  • Mo - Anime/Salt friend
Social Circle:
  • Cian Rogers - Asadi's boyfriend
  • Constance Shepard - Cian's sister???
  • Ghazuz Zahir - Frenemy
  • Cara Ninovan - A myth
  • Jane López-Okoye - Cool hippie lady
  • Their facial expression only changes from neutral when they're feeling extreme emotions or having a meltdown, and doesn't mean they're unhappy or disinterested
  • Their verbalness mostly takes form through scripts, repeating other people's words to try and communicate, and making noises/gestures
  • Watches every piece of AI/robot media they can get their hands on
  • Has a very laissez-faire philosophy and doesn't really care about what anyone does as long as they're not hurting other people
  • Consequently, is a Libertarian! In theory. They don't care enough to vote though.
  • "I don't care" is their main MO, really
  • Is fiercely protective of Benny and if any clients say ableist things about him, they will sneakily charge them extra, run over their toes, and if they're really bad, will parrot back what they say in The Mocking ToneTM
  • Fai Dong lets them use his tech workshop for their creations in exchange for helping him create meteorological and paranormal equipment
  • L o v e s accompanying Fai Dong for tornado chases. Will ruthlessly mock the ghosts/demons if taken on a ghost hunt, though.
  • Is involved in the life of Benny's emotional support bearded lizard, Aston Martin ("Assy" to Benny), by helping with habitat/care logistics and reminding Benny when Aston Martin needs food/water and also sneakily making soft loving robot noises at them

Born in Kansas City, Kansas, Cas was abandoned by their mother in early infancy and given to their maternal biological grandparents by Child Protective Services. Their grandparents, a "good ol' boy" white Korean War veteran and a tiny passive-aggressive Korean woman, didn't exactly know how to care for the needs of their partially-verbal autistic and disabled grandchild. Despite trying their best, they made many mistakes and their relationship with Cas soured, particularly when they came out as agender. During their first manic episode at the age of 18, they had an explosive fight with their grandfather and ran away from home, which ended in them being hospitalized after their grandfather called authorities in a remorseful panic. Vowing to never allow their grandparents to be in their life again, Cas wildly applied to various jobs in the surrounding states and ended up moving to a tiny town of 320 in eastern Missouri named Texas, where they were taken under the wings of two married mentors - Benny Liu, an intellectually disabled mechanic, and Liu Fai Dong, a professional storm chaser and amateur ghost hunter.