


5 years, 1 month ago


  • Sun-Ray

  • 31628023_VnVMVqdcJQYMvKI.png
  • Age One of the 4 oldest gods
  • GenderMale
  • SpeciesGod

"Write a quote here....."

God of sun, light and warmth. He is a part of the Sun and feels every "pain" the Sun feels.
The difference between him and the Sun is that the Sun adores the Moon, but Sun-Ray hated the Moon God. He is one of the 4 oldest gods (the gods of life, death, sun, and moon) and as such he's one of the 4 gods who have the ability to create life.
When days are sunny and bright Sun's hair glows slightly and he loves that.
People in the Sedmia river valley worship the Sun the most as they are farmers. The biggest shrine built for Sun-Ray is located in Kaerbury, Sedmia river valley.
Sun is adored by the people and feared by the other Gods, as he is one of the few who dares attack and kill them. Most Gods never dare oppose him in fear that he will kill them, and he likes the power that gives him.


DoB: -
Birth Place: -
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Sexuality: -
Blood Type: -
Bought for/ Design worth:-
Current worth: -
  • sunlight
  • himself
  • when the Moon hides the Sun
  • being told what to do


hot-headed, narcissist, manipulative, entitled

Sun and Moon

Acarya is a planet that does not spin, half of it is in complete darkness. Night and day exist there only because Acarya has three moons, one of which is so big it hides the Sun.
It is thought that the moons used to be a part of the Sun, which is why people think the Sun God and the Moon God have a special connection and a romantic relationship.
In reality Sun-Ray hates when the Moon hides him and the Sun, that's why he fought a lot with the Moon God and one day killed him.

A New God

The Moon wasn't happy about what Sun-Ray did and made him find a new God for her, that's when he came to know about Peter and how he was pretending to be the Moon God in front of his friend.
The Sun God wanted to get it over with and just made Peter a God without thinking much about it.


One day Sun was bored and he decided to have a child. He found three dragon eggs and took one, Chase. Altered his genes to make him half-god, but after Chase hatched and started crying, which annoyed Sun and he just left him in Serpent's gate to se what would happen.


[ friend; pet ] Sun's shrine guardian, who he created from a piece of sky.


[ boyfriend? ] After recruiting Peter, Sun really likes him, but as time passed, he started slightly distancing himself. Sun has always had a dislike for any Moon God there was, and this started to manifest itself in their relationship as well.


[ ex-best friend ] Sun and Nik used to be good friends, but had a fight and fell out.


[ friend ] At first Sun didn't want Sephi around and was preparing to kill him, but after seeing what Sephi looks like, he fell in love with his appearance and decided to give him a chance.
As Sun started to communicate more with Sephi he  thought that keeping him around as a God wouldn't hurt.

Sun finds Sephi to be one of the most beautiful people ever, because of his clean appearance. Like "a ray of light" as Sun describes him.


[ annoyance ] In Sun's eyes Dar is just an annoying useless god, who would be better off dead.

Chaseand Char

[ "sons" ] One time when Sun was bored he decided to create life randomly, and created Chase but altering the genes of a dragon egg, but quickly got bored of him and left him in the care of humans. After some time Chase found out about his origins and got in contact with Sun, wanting a connection with his "father", but to Sun this is all just some fun that he can have. 

Chase demanded for a brother and Sun decided to create Char together with Peter.
