Devin McVeigh



5 years, 2 months ago



Item #: SCP-4357-J

Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4357-J is to be kept in a various holy symbol-lined containment chamber located in Doomsday Seed Vault, where it is to be guarded at all times by no less than 5 Priests armed with various works of religious texts.

Temporary Containment Procedure Update: In the event that SCP-4357-J ever begins writhing its neck, Roget should begin to read religious passages to SCP-4357-J until it ceases its behavior. In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Ψ-7 (''Townstep'') is to be dispatched to SCP-4357-J's last known location.

Description: SCP-4357-J is a demonic entity currently taking control of a human male named Devin McVeigh. The demon hasn't shown it's true form as of the most recent check-in.

Addendum 43.1: Discovery

SCP-4357-J was first located in Vantage where the local church community was using it in order to contact the Gods. Thankfully, Mobile Task Force Ψ-7 (''Townstep'') was able to recover the object with only 329 civilian casualties.

The text in this section has been [REDACTED]1 by authorized personnel. It was absolutely ██████████2.

Devin McVeigh, the former body owner.

The following interview was conducted by Dr. Ralph Roget.

Date: ██████████


Interviewee: SCP-4357-J


Roget: Is the host aware of the possession? (Taps glass)

SCP-4357-J: (Smirks) Devin is no longer here.3


Interviewer's Note: The original host of the body that is the subject seems to no longer be a part of the consciousness.

Addendum 34.2: Observation Log

After isolating SCP-4357-J for a week in its container, it was exposed to people and religious items. At first, it seemed as though holy water had some effect on the body or the demon, but after two sessions with being sprayed and hosed down with holy water, the effects seemed to be just a ploy the subject did to get a reaction. It will play along and act as though there might be possible side effect of various religious items but then immediately retract any sign it had shown previously.

Observational Log 34.OL.8 SUMMARY

Subject: SCP-4357-J

Preface: Conditions before the experiment: SCP-4357-J had been its container talking to various scientists who was interviewing it to gather information. It mentioned religious figures and symbols a number of times. The scientists became curious to see how SCP-4357-J would react to exposure to such things.

Observation Notes: Holy water seems to have little to no effect on the demon or the body. Reading from religious texts seems to be geniunely effective so far.


1. For the safety of possible readers of this, this has been removed.

2. The now redacted information was informative, but turned out to be dangerous.

3. SCP-4357-J's eyes did not register any movement nor did its voice speak above a calm demeanor.