


5 years, 2 months ago



earnest . empathetic . excitable

Name Mirabelle
Called Mable
Age 23
Familiar Berlioz the Bear
Gender Female
Occupation Magician / Apprentice
Height 5'2"
Build Round
Demeanor Friendly


  • Pampering Berlioz
  • Dancing
  • Darjeeling White Tea
  • Naps in the Sunshine


  • Egotistical People
  • Cold Places
  • Dark Places (Pitch-Black)
  • Sour Treats/Foods


Mirabelle, often referred to as Mable, is a cheerful little lady. Her happiness, optimistic, and pluckiness fuel her light-based magic. As if a gift from the sun, her magic heals, warms, and brightens. It also blinds, strikes, and burns, if used in a rare time of attack.

Mirabelle has no memory of her time before her days as an apprentice to the magician, Asra Alnazar. At least not for the longest time. She spends her days going to the market for a variety of breads, and to the docks to get the freshest fruit. And in these small moments, she finds happiness. Contentment. Her heart aches when Asra leaves the shop to travel without her, especially after many years of begging him to let her tag along. But she occupies herself with the mundane chores of the day, as well as song and dance through the small halls of the makeshift magic shop she runs in Asra's stead.

After the event of the story, she remembers the events surrounding her death. And as that sudden memory return, the others begin to slowly reveal themselves to her over time. Her brother, Durian, for example. The night her brother left her on the docks of Vesuvia before returning to their homeland. The night she met her beloved familiar and the future Count of Vesuvia, simultaneously. The nights she spent with Asra and Muriel under the docks, and the market streets as they tried to find "free" food. The nights spent rebuilding a run-down and abandoned home into their beloved magic shop.

But with all of the nights remembered, Mirabelle now spends her days creating new memories with her beloved friends and cherished lover.

In the future, Mirabelle has two children, the twins Atlas and Athena.


HTML by lowkeywicked