Autumn Jasper



5 years, 2 months ago


Autumn Jasper

Name Autumn Jasper
Height 5'10"
Species Gem (Quartz)
Gender Genderless
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Lesbian
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Soldier
Theme Lost Boy

Status NFS/NFT
Designer lymerikk
Worth $40


Autumn was once an easygoing gem with a friendly demeanor, but past relationships have caused her to develop deeply-rooted trust issues and she now has great reservations about other gems and befriending people in general. She is mostly quiet, deeply reserved, and prefers to be left alone with the company of only the resident wildlife. While she was once carefree, happy, and funny, she has since become solemn, withdrawn, and disgruntled and hardly speaks to others at all unless she has to. She is fiercely protective of the things she holds dear and will defend her home aggressively if needed. She's mostly reasonable and level-headed, but her emotions can get in the way of her sense of reason at times. 

Design Notes

  • Wears various flowers, twigs, etc. in her hair as accessories.
  • Darker blotches are scattered around her body at random, but she must be drawn with dark freckles on her face.
  • Her gem is inset in her chest! She must be drawn with her gem.
  • She has an alternative corrupted monster form and a healed post-corruption form, in which she has small horns.


  • Autumn's corrupted form is responsible for cryptic myths around the world about a monster that attacks poachers who hunt for sport.
  • She doesn't eat meat, but will eat plant products at times. She doesn't particularly enjoy eating.
  • The "leaves" on her outfit are actually fabric and won't wilt/wither. The plants she wears in her hair, however, are real and change periodically.


Autumn Jasper is a rogue gem who formerly belonged to Yellow Diamond. She was a soldier who was sent to earth to serve in the war, where she was unexpectedly assigned to a resident aristocrat as a personal guard. Perhaps even more unexpected were the romantic feelings that blossomed between the two and, before she knew it, Autumn was miserably in love with the gem she was sworn to protect. Her beloved aristocrat would call in favors to keep them together if something threatened to separate them, and Autumn was certain that she loved her back.

And then, news of the corruption weapon reached Autumn's platoon. Her aristocratic lover fled the scene and left Autumn behind in order to save her own skin. Terrified, Autumn ran through the crowds of fleeing gems in search of her lover, unaware that she had been willingly abandoned by the gem she loved, and didn't escape the blast in time. Autumn was corrupted and, now a confused, disoriented monster with only fragmented memories of what once was, she started to wander from place-to-place aimlessly on earth, with the persistent sensation that she should be searching for something, but never certain what it was...


  • Plants
  • Animals
  • The Outdoors
  • Swimming
  • Summer


  • Poachers
  • Homeworld
  • Violence
  • Pollution/Litter
  • Winter

??? Lover (Former)

An aristocratic gem whom Autumn fell miserably in love with, only to be betrayed by when the corruption weapon was deployed. Autumn doesn't remember her partner's name in her corrupted state, but she dimly recalls her face and it brings her pain. Autumn continues to search for her lover so long as she's corrupted, but she doesn't know what she's looking for.

© cyancrows 2017