[ CG ] Geneviev Beauchêne



5 years, 2 months ago



Full Name: Geneviev Beauchêne
Nickname(s): Gen
Age: 24 (season 1) | 25 (R2)
Status: Alive
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Navy blue (#1b4163)
Eye Colour: Green (#008800)
Birthdate: September 15, 1997
Blood Type: B
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Britannian
Allegiance: Holy Britannian Empire
  • Camelot
  • Imperial Colchester Institute
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer, works primarily on the Lancelot frame
Knightmare Frames: none


Gen is average height, hitting around 5' 4" (163 cm) with a slight frame. She has long, navy blue hair that reaches her hips, although she usually keeps it tied up in buns to keep it out of the way. She has green eyes, which some people would claim are always glaring at something. She isn't too concerned with her appearance most of the time, and prefers to be comfortable, so she's usually found in oversied sweaters and shorts. She wears the same black boots pretty much all the time, even with her proper military uniform. She has been described as looking "perpetually grumpy", which can make her seem unapproachable.


Gen is a no-nonsense person, and this generally makes her come off as snobby and unfriendly. She does care about her colleagues in Camelot, although she and Lloyd butt heads almost constantly. She's very passionate about her job and is known to be up at all hours working. She's very opinionated, and despite her cold exterior, she will stand up for people she cares about and isn't quick to back down. She has trouble expressing her feelings constructively, so she usually just ends up yelling at her tools.

Other Info

  • Has a degree in mechanical engineering as well as military training
  • Friends with Cécile, which is how she got her job at Camelot
  • Mother is a prolific fashion designer in the homeland, and she semi-regularly forces Gen to model her designs (which Gen isn't into at all)
  • Names all her tools (sometimes they're just called "idiot" or some variation if she's in a bad mood
  • Seems to have some kind of "secret language" with Cécile (probably so they can complain about Lloyd without him hearing)
  • Sort of a mentor to KnightlyChika's Shina, as they work together on the Lancelot
  • Eventually Gen and Shina make a Knightmare for Shina out of collected scrap parts and name it Gwenevere
  • Although she's a noble, she hates doing balls/parties/any of the social requirements