[ CG ] Maren Scarborough



5 years, 1 month ago


have some points until I finish re-watching the series and rework her ahahaha;;
but anyway here's some old info from her original conception
  • actually Japanese, her real name is Fujiwara Setsuna (Maren is a stage name)
  • was kind of an underground idol, she got picked up by Clovis as some weird pet project apparently this boy thinks if he markets a Japanese idol that the Japanese already like as an Honourary Brittanian then people will go for it idk
  • Maren makes terrible life choice and ends up falling for Clovis and is dumb enough to think he returns her feelings
  • She somehow is there when Lulu kills Clovis (I think she's at the fancy party and it seems like the party room and the battle planning room are both in that moving fortress thing so maybe she couldn't get home idk)
  • as Lulu is leaving after offing Clovis, Maren picks up the gun he used and threatens to kill him
  • Lulu uses his Geass to order Maren to never hurt them, then she ends up living with him so she doesn't y'know tell anyone what he did
  • so yeah she knows he's Zero
  • There's some speculation that Maren was involved in Clovis's murder (colluding with Zero) since she just disappeared after his death, but no one can find her so they execute her dad instead
  • her and Lelouch have a lot of vitrol between them for a while since she blames him for killing the man she loved/ruining her life/her father's death
  • she eventually begrudingly joins the Black Knights since she feels her life no longer has any other purpose
  • she does learn how to pilot a Knightmare good for her
  • sometime in R2 she resurfaces as an idol aligned with the Black Knights under the stage name Megitsune
  • she continues to use the name Maren for most of the first season, then goes back to using her birth name Setsuna in R2
  • more um... later she needs to be reworked but ayyyy