Kai's Comments

So not even for Barbie? 

For Barbie the art would also be only as an add on

Pfft nvm re thought it too rn good luck on finding homes for them lmaoo! 


im open to offer art 

this boyo is so cute omf

ksksk thanks! Maybe send some examples and I’ll consider it ;)

yea!! ill send some. i can trade full body, head shot, refs, etc. anything tbh. whatevs works for you ;)

how would i send some?? sorry im new to the website lmao 

i do have plenty of examples and options for trade

You can just send a message to my Instagram or discord (both Arsoneater) i also have a deviantart (jelly-skittles) if you’d like ^^

ill send them through insta. all my arts on their anyways ^^

thanks for telling me tho