Shiki Kimura



5 years, 2 months ago



Age 22

"Paladin of Darkness.. I don't need to give you my name. Why are you here? To serve me? Fight me? Just don't bore me or I'll slice your head off."


  • Girls
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Training


  • Healers
  • Flowers
  • Elves
  • Crowds


Shiki Kimura is a Paladin of the Darkness element who is difficult to get along with. She comes off as a mean and blunt person who doesn't really seem to care about anyone except for her Agnible, Tiny. And to top it off, even if she were to get slightly comfortable with someone, her memory is terrible. So she'll forget the person anyway if they don't leave an amusing impression. It's not abnormal to commonly find her alone as she prefers it that way. Becoming the strongest and being able to overcome any opponent she faces is all she cares about. 


Shiki overall is a very short tempered, blunt, harsh, but loyal person. It would be rare for Shiki to approach anyone unless they were in danger or if they had something she needed. When having a conversation with her she is terrible at thinking before saying so she tends to offend people, but she also doesn’t care. If she thinks you are weak, someone who is useless, or stupid there is a likely chance she’ll leave the conversation without notice. Don’t be too offended by this personality of hers, she’s just deathly afraid of being taken advantage of and thinks she is someone that attracted a lot of trouble. Especially since she trains a lot and is constantly picking fights with people who bad mouths or think they’re stronger than her. No matter what class, age, race you are Shiki will always believe she can win over anyone during combat. And if she loses she’ll train her butt off before challenging that person over and over again until she wins. In the case that you actually do become Shiki’s friend she becomes very loyal, honest, and protective. Unfortunately her brutal and harsh words won’t ever go away.

In battle, Shiki wants nothing more than to be the best. Any battle the protectors have you can guarantee Shiki will be there to make the first strike in the front line. Which is a reckless choice sometimes, but Shiki cares more about doing as much damage as possible. When it comes to killing the enemy she will do whatever it takes, even if it means using her fellow protectors as meat shields to keep her alive. She doesn’t think you’ll be needed during battle other than that, I mean, she is most important one in combat since she does the most damage. At least that’s what she thinks. 


When arriving onto the island of Mangroozian in Aesthia, having no memory at all, she had no idea where to go. Upon wandering around, she comes across an environment and creatures she doesn't even recognize, and unfortunately encounters one creature who injected her with a terrible poison. Getting weaker and weaker, she finally approaches a village, but passes out before anyone can spot her. When she wakes up again, she was in the village and the Head Master immediately caged her for the elves to bully and harass her. After throwing constant tantrums, the Head Master finally tells Shiki that she was brought into this village and was asked to be tortured by another human named Iris before setting her free. And with her newfound freedom, Shiki goes to Elledolias to become a protector to gain power so that no one could enslave her ever again and so that she can get revenge from Iris. 



LLYR SACHIEL  [ slave/servant ]

A merman who unfortunately stumbled upon Shiki and thinking the knight was a good trainer, asked her to train him. Shiki took advantage of this and practically teachers Llyr as a slave, making him do things for her, order him around, etc. Although Shiki does this just because she can, she is also hoping that these harsh requests and training gives him thicker skin. Their relationship obviously isn’t the best, but Shiki does trust him more than most people.


IRIS DELUV  [ enemy ]

A healer Shiki does not seem to like at all. Every chance Shiki gets, she will try to bully and embarrass Iris so these two never get along. This is only because of a misunderstanding of something that they were both involved in an event from their past, but unfortunately the memory of this event isn’t very clear to both of them so their relationship will not really improve until they’re both confronted with the problem again. Though Shiki has tolerated Iris more overtime!


RYU DELUV  [ enemy ]

Iris’s husband so… of course she hates this guy too! Whenever she tries to do something to Iris he’s always getting in the way! And nothing angers her more than knowing that someone with a lack of intelligence as Ryu is a stronger protector than she is. She’s fought and challenged him many times, but has always unsucceeded. Fortunately she doesn’t believe he’s a bad person so she only bothers him while he’s around Iris which is most of the time.

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