✫ Splash ✫



5 years, 1 month ago


The Master Painter

Name Splash
Sexuality Heteroromantic Ace
Age N/A (Bday: 11/07)
Gender Male
Height 6'0
Species Gemstone Angel Dragon
Occupation Photographer
Theme Stronger

Splash is a dragon as friendly as he can be. Practically the other "big brother" figure in Tommy's family aside from Jay, he's also pretty chill, but also somewhat lazy, as you'll most likely find him laying somewhere just snoozing. He's not always like that however,because if you interest him enough, he'll probably try to either paint a portrait of or snap a photoshoot with you! 


  • Exploring
  • Basketball
  • Cuddling
  • Being Creative


  • Spiders
  • Most Insects
  • Mean People
  • Getting Dirty


"Artists are just children who refuse to put down their crayons."


● Cover art is by Mochiadri !
● Splash's canon human age is 27. (11/07/1994)
● The gemstone he holds in his chest is Citrine, the notable birthstone for November.
● Mostly perky, and really energetic.
● He's based off my older cousin, who quite literally enjoys photography!
● Splash was actually one of my oldest dragon characters. As a matter of fact, he was the first angel dragon I adopted after creating Jay.


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Usui  [ Close Friend ]

Two dragons of the same species, Usui and Splash have a pretty mutual friendship! They hang out pretty often, and Usui assists him in his photoshoots sometimes.

Aspen  [ Close Friend ]

Aspen and Splash are pretty good friends!

Name  [ Relationship ]


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