


5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Active RP Character


DotW Members Only


Name: Navindru
Nickname(s): Nav

Gender: Male
Joining Age: Young Adult - Three years (Jan 2014)
Current Age: Adult - Eight years, two months (March 2019)
Birthdate: January 9

Territory: Chandor
Rank: Maika'i (Beta)
Task: Lynx Totem

Weight: 115 lbs
Height: 33"
Build: Of average size, perhaps a little on the stocky side. Well-rounded, shorter legs, sleek look and bushy tail.
Fur: Smooth and short, easy to manage. Quite soft.
Scars: Small double scratch on left thigh from cougar.
Scent: Birch wood
Voice: Light, youthful, but obviously masculine.

Dam: Frillra
Sire: Dhengr
Brothers: Tugon, Henkor (deceased)
Sisters: Jlipsa, Ashira 
Other: Venus (cousin)

Orientation: Heterosexual
Preferences: Striking patterns, bright eyes, intelligence, (inner) strength

Current Crushes: N/A
Past Crushes: Aethelynda, Athena

Mate: Dayanara
Offspring: Mila, Mirakel, Makenna

Navindru x Aethelynda = Aethidru
Navindru x Athena = Navena
Navindru x Dayanara = Navinara (Marinara)

Type: The Advocate (INFJ-T)
Personality: Quiet, friendly, passive, inquisitive, studious, honest, loyal, adaptable, broad-minded, diplomatic, modest, reliable, secretive.

In general, Navindru would be considered a submissive wolf. He was always on the quieter side, less likely to jump into things or cause mischief as a youngster. He was more passive and gentle, and got along best with his similar sister, who was just as peaceable. He is a very loyal creature, and tends to form long-lasting friendships. However it's not always that easy to become his friend, as his quiet nature also gives him a bit of shyness. He's friendly enough when spoken too, but can't easily carry on a conversation and sometimes purposefully avoids that.

He rarely angers, and is not a wolf to jump right into the fray. He's a watcher, an outsider, and dislikes being in the center. He is not fond of violence expect when hunting, and as much as he doesn't really enjoy talking, he does prefer to speak than battle. He is a pretty calm individual, though is somewhat easy to read unless he's concentrated on blocking his emotions. Navindru has a rather indifferent outlook on some things, and as he's more quiet doesn't often show opinion.
He tends to observe things and is good at finding details. He is also quite curious and especially as a pup loved to explore and learn. He finds the world to be fascinating, and doesn't mind listening to his elders for their advice. He enjoys being on his own as well, thinking good thoughts about good things.

On the topic of love, he's quite the novice. He's never really liked someone in that sense, and the only bonds of love he's had are family bonds--with his parents and siblings. No one was his age in the pack, and he always felt that they were more family anyway. He's just sort of letting things happen, and hoping that perhaps he can call someone his.

Facts: Has a habit of sitting and brooding for hours.

Likes: Summer, eating, gentle rain, friendly wolves, playing.
Dislikes: Winter, ice-covered rivers, cruelty, being scolded.
Fears: Drowning, ice-covered rivers, rejection

Pre-Group History: 
Navindru was born after the last frost melted in an eastern pack called Redgrove. His mother, Frillra and father, Dhengr, both the alphas of the pack, were strong and intelligent wolves that led their group with a firm paw, but were respected by the other wolves. It was a small group, consisting only of the alpha pair, their offspring, a secondwolf, two adults and an oldwolf. Navindru had four siblings, two she-wolves and two he-wolves, and they were their parents' first litter. He and his littermates, Jlipsa, Henkor, Ashira, and Tugon, grew peacefully from infants under the care of the whole pack.

As pups they were a mess of trouble, as any youngsters are. Jlipsa, as the eldest, was also the ringleader of her siblings and tended to be the cause of much mischief. Navindru was less inclined to wreak havoc, but still joined in because the alternative was sitting alone, listening to the adults talk. Most of the time he preferred his siblings, though sometimes he was curious of the adult wolves and how their lives worked contrary to his and his sisters and brothers. At the age of about three months tragedy struck. During an exploration game, Henkor slipped down the side of a steep rocky hill. He was instantly killed, hitting his head on rocks below. That subdued the litter, especially Jlipsa. Their mother Frillra demanded they stay close to an adult at all times.

Time flew and they became more like young wolves and less like pups. The prospect of hunting drew nearer. Navindru's closest companion was his sister Ashira, who shared his quieter nature. He and her grew apart from the other two remaining pups, Jlipsa and Tugon--who both were dominant and straightforward. The young wolves were permitted to roam further away now that they were older and for the most part had a bit more common sense in their heads. They encountered the world and learned, sometimes with the help of the oldwolf, Quadalia, whose gentle guidance and wisdom taught them subtle things that perhaps the physical world didn't give up so easily.

Navindru anxiously awaited the day of the first hunt, which came soon enough. Elk were the target, and the pups were taught to find a target--the smell of the creature, the way they moved, the way their joints sounded. Confidence might hide a weakness, as the elk were clever enough to hide such things. With help they chose an older cow, perhaps less likely to escape. She also had the faint smell of sickness about her, though her fierce eyes and proud head tried to say otherwise. They chased her down, split her away and drove in to the kill. Navindru was alight with pride to help, and with all four pups, the two alphas, and one other adult, they were able to bring down the cow.

After that experience the pups became able hunters, and Navindru became close to adulthood. Jlipsa and Tugon had both departed from Redgrove, intent on starting lives elsewhere on their own. Navindru and Ashira stayed; content to be with family and familiar things. They could help raise next year's pups. The pack was small and all the help it could get was needed. During one night in late winter, a violent snowstorm covered the forest in a layer of whiteness. The pack was near starving and things seemed grim--already Quadalia was near death. Navindru woke among his packmates to find his sister missing.

He searched through the snow until he discovered her fresh scent and followed it to the riverbank. He didn't have a chance to call out to her as she crossed the ice layer. It cracked beneath her paws and she was plunged into the frigid water, tugged by the current. He scrambled towards her, skidding on the ice, but she was pulled away before his eyes under the rest of the ice. Though he scratched and stomped he could not get to her. The water took her away to fast. He knew she had been going to the main hunting plain to find some sustenance...but had been to hungry and miserable to pay attention to the ice's strength. Navindru howled his grief, and the rest of the pack came to him, adding their howls when they learned of Ashira's demise.

In this time of need, he stayed and helped his pack through the rest of winter. When spring came, though, he departed. Memories were too harsh and no longer could he find joy doing what he used to do. He had no friends his age. Suddenly Redgrove didn't feel like home. With a swift goodbye to his parents, Navindru took off to find solace. He wandered for nearly a month. The life of a loner was frightening and drastic, and overall lonely. Kausen was the first pack he encountered that met him with a friendly yet wary stance. It was enough to convince him to step into their ranks, newly hopeful.

Group History:

Bone Log: Click!
Themes: Guillotine, Better Together, I Will Follow You Into the Dark, All I Want, Float On, Little Talks, Home
Moodboard: Click!
Relationships: Heart chart.