


5 years, 1 month ago


Young disabled shut-in Nathan, the sole inhabitant of his house, fills the emptiness of his days by reading and writing stories; yet he feels far from alone.

Chaotic, mesmerizing voices and apparitions flood his mind, the line between his self and the outside, between familiar and foreign, confused and unclear.

Resurfacing memories, such as that of his dead uncle, confuse themselves among the noise. But one of the voices drowns out all the others when it permeates the atmosphere: that of a blurred white childlike figure, that beams into him images of immensity, eclectic lucid dreams, rich synchronized emotions, prospects of minds unbound, merging with the white...

The only way he can exorcise the noise in his head: writing down the streams of thought, and trying to decode them.

「literary / insomniac」
  • Teo-Laèn Zu Nàtan; Nathan
  • living

this house has a strange aura

the last one was not a dream.

how long has it been since he died?

...are you listening? please be here

I wish I could say I feel alone, without addendums.

why here of all places!? I'm no protector...

white scarlet, possessing my hand
its mute multimediatic voice

you have it too...? I can feel you, I'm not talking to myself.
not this time.


  • clean-shaven face
  • eyebags
  • wings are near-unusable
  • ink-black calligraphic symbolics, occasionally victorian
