


5 years, 5 months ago


kyu | 22 (feb. 16th) | south korea | werewolf | 5’8”

background: As a kid he cracked open a 8ball and drank from it and hasn’t been the same since. Yeah I still need to add more.

personality: Kyu is extremely laid back, typically just going with the flow wherever it may led him. Because of this he often winds up in weird unexpected places with strangers who are suddenly friends. This also translates into somehow winding up in the house of anyone who will tolerate him, sleeping on their couch and mooching off of their food while borrowing clothes, phones, etc. He’ll always pay them back however he can though in ways people may not expect or want. Such as dragging a deer back if he ate all their food, bringing clothes over that belonged to someone else, giving useless trinkets that he thinks look nice, so on.

He tends to borrow interests too, as other people’s passions inspire him to try it out as well. However it appears as though he has a short attention span, only trying whatever it is out for a short time before moving onto the next new thing. This applies to jobs whenever he does actually try to get one. That is if he is not fired first for taking things too easy, giving things away for free or leaving before his shift is over.


  • Never wears shoes. May sometimes wear socks. Says his feet need to be free to feel the dirt.
  • Claims he doesn’t know how money works so he doesn’t ever have any. Any paycheck he ever should have gotten apparently has always ended up vanishing before it can be cashed in, somehow.
  • Loves to make bets and play games.
  • Will try anything at least once.