


5 years, 21 days ago


To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,

Name Buttercrush
Age 4 Years
Gender Male
Race Big butterfly

bored . depressed . introvert

If you see Buttercrush, the first thing you are thinking of is, that he's very bored. It seems, that he's a bit grumpy and he's looking with tired eyes in the world. Mostly it's night when he's flying around and doing the important things, which everyone need to live: Eating, drinking and so one. The late time fits better to his caracter. Buttercrush is a very negative boy. The day is in his opinion to loud, bright and there are to much to happy individuals. To full for him. All of them are sleeping by night, so Buttercrush can be alone and it's quiet. He really isn't a typical butterfly but that is obviously - he's much taller than the normal ones. So he lives his depressing life and if somebody is annoying him with trying to be friendly, he ignores it, shows how bored he is about or reacts scornfully.

 the most difficult and the most intellectual.

HTML by lowkeywicked