hades (mascot)



8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hades

Age: 19

Gender: Male (cis, he/him)

Species: Demon/”dust devil”

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Dark brown

Tattoos: Inverted cross in between eyes. Large pentagram with goat head on back, cactus with red flower on upper left arm. Barbed wire wrapped around right arm.

Piercings: One on left ear lobe, one on upper part of left ear

Occupation: Hades was sent to Earth by his father, Satan, to check for humans in a deep part of the desert. This area is reserved for demons and reapers only, so if he finds any he must report it to a reaper so they can kill the human (think of typical ways people die in the desert -- heat stroke, starvation, poison, etc). Since it’s not often that people wander off far into the desert, Hades job is pretty boring/uneventful. So, he spends most of his time sleeping, doing witchcraft, and talking to his cat, Scrapz.

Residence: Originally from Hell, Hades now lives in the Chihuahuan Desert in New Mexico. His home is a small wooden shack, decorate inside with cacti and his doodles that he has nailed to the wall. There is no water very close to this area, only a large expanse of sand along with desert animals/insects/plants. He used witchcraft to create a force-field around his home at night and during sandstorms, after getting extremely annoyed by the scorpions biting him while he slept and waking up to sand flying in his face. He gets visitors a few times a week, usually “friends” from Hell and reapers, and on special days he gets to visit back home for a while and sometimes attend parties (he doesn’t do very well at them).

History: Being the son of Satan, he was a very famous baby in his native land (similar to the royal baby in the UK or something). He was pampered, and was told that when he grew up he’d have a very important job, which to him is a complete lie. He had a hard time adjusting to living on his own in such a barren place, since he was so used to being the center of attention and getting everything he wants. Despite all the attention, he didn’t really have friends in Hell because he was genuinely annoyed by everyone. He was sent to Earth as soon as he turned 18, which is also when he stopped physically aging (meaning he will live forever and keep his ‘youthful’ appearance). For the rest of eternity, he will live a boring life in the desert until he convinces his father to let him move back to Earth, something he’s been working at since he first moved to the desert.

Personality: Hades is a highly irritable demon. It’s very easy for him to get annoyed, and he makes a scene when he doesn’t get what he wants or is having a bad day. He’s very heartless, and will tell others what he truly thinks of them to their face. He’s told others that he hates them on many occasions, as well as made them cry. He is extremely antisocial and introverted and can’t stand to be around anyone for too long or else he’ll go crazy. Alone time is something that’s very important to him. The only being Hades deeply cares for is his cat, Scrapz, a dirty tortoiseshell with a torn ear and many scars yet a cute face. He spends his entire time awake talking to his cat and doing witchcraft to relax/occasionally communicate with those in his homeland. He’s actually very smart and finds it easy to learn new things and pick up new skills. Demons from his homeland sometimes see him as spoiled, which is fair given in the beginning of his life he was handed everything on a silver platter and was/still is very stuck up. The strange thing about Hades is he doesn’t really have high self confidence, but he still sees himself as superior to everyone else. Everyone else isn’t good enough to speak to him, and he often says they “don’t understand him”. Hades isn’t really violent when he gets angry, but he really can yell. He can tear someone down with words, and he curses a LOT without even meaning to.

Strengths: Hades’ immortality gives him a physical advantage against other species. He is also cold-blooded and cannot overheat (which is why he wears heavy clothes such as hoodies despite his hot desert environment). His harshness/carelessness for others means he isn’t easy to manipulate, and doesn’t get attached to anyone easily. His intelligence makes him very clever, so he can find solutions to situations fairly easily most of the time.

Weaknesses: Hades suffers from chronic nosebleeds; they actually can cause him to pass out. His social skills are honestly terrible, so he doesn’t work well in situations where he has to be around a lot of beings and talk to them. Since he’s so stuck up, lots of demons in his homeland hate him now, so that really hurts his cause (trying to get back home).

Family: Satan (his father) and unknown mother. He doesn’t like his father and would argue with him a lot back in Hell, telling him he hates him and wishes he were never born, typical bratty kid stuff (he was definitely a problem child).

Sexuality/Love Life: Hades knew from a young age that he was gay, he always hated girls and never wanted to go near one, fearing he’d get cooties. He is known to be a heartbreaker, lots of male demons that visit him fall in love with him but he rejects them every time. He doesn’t want a boyfriend, and never really has, but he occasionally keeps boys around only for sex, nothing else.

Partner: None (probably will never have one)

Friends: (looking, but he will only befriend other demon boys and probably will never be close friends with them)
Scrapz (his cat)

Likes: Scrapz, witchcraft, knifes/blades, blood/gore/horror, large hoodies, shoes, rap music, cacti (he thinks they are beautiful and decorates his shack with them), rain/rain sounds, playing with fire, candles, books, nighttime

Dislikes: everyone (so edgy), scorpions, bugs of any sort, the sun/bright light, loud noises, crowded places, boredom, doing any type of work

Fears: None, he doesn’t get afraid

Extras: Hades, like every other demon in this universe, feeds on souls. They are brought to him every week by a reaper, they do in fact look like pickles and are kept in a paper bag labeled “SOULS”. One a day is enough to keep his energy up. He has many intricate scars because, disturbingly, he makes them when he gets bored. He can’t really feel pain so this doesn’t bother him, but it definitely seems weird and creepy to others. He is a special type of demon, called a dust devil, which is why he does best in the desert environment on Earth.