
5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Yume
Age: 18
Height: 4'11
Occupation: Dream Witch

Likes: Being in Control, Creativity, Sorbet
Dislikes: People stronger than him, Lucid Dreamers, Being 

Power: I describe it as witchcraft but it’s more of just a natural power in him. He simply has to be near someone who is sleeping in order to enter their dream. His body will instantly fall asleep leaving himself vulnerable as his mind enters the dreamer's mind. He will instantly be in control of your dream as if he was the lucid dreamer. He has complete control over the host's mind in terms of the way the dream goes and of course keeping the host asleep for as long as he remains inside. As for how he uses his control is up to his mood, he can either passively follow the dream, interfere with what is going and alter different things, or if he so chooses, making the dream into a mentally damaging nightmare. What I mean by this is if he so chooses he can show traumatic events, send creatures to attack the host, or fight the host directly. Doing this repeatedly has the potential to leave the host brain dead to a sense, mentally breaking the host and leaving them as an empty shell of a person. The main way to combat the child messing with your dreams is for the host to enter lucid dreaming, what this causes is it gives the host control of the dream again, trapping Yume inside the host's mind unless Yume forces his way out of the host’s mind, though what this causes is the host to wake up as well. Being a small weak/frail boy, this is the worst possible outcome as he is virtually powerless to fight off the person who’s mind he invaded.

Personality: Yume is usually very reserved as he is fully aware of how feeble he is, trying his best to not draw too much attention to himself. He tries not to let himself be seen as he essentially wants to be invisible, someone that people pay little attention to because this allows him to have a much easier time of breaking and entering into areas he generally shouldn’t be in.

He sees his meddling with dreams as research as he himself is completely incapable of dreaming, or sleeping for that matter. He enters dreams in order to give his body some much-needed rest which is why he just passively follows a dream. 

When in a dream, however, he has two ways of acting: kind and benevolent or cruel and sadistic. The way he acts determines entirely on how a person acts in their dreams and what they dream about. If the host is just themselves dreaming of something like work or school, he interferes slightly by making it more entertaining and enjoyable for the host. If the host is dreaming of some kind of story, like a knight going to save a princess, he’ll passively follow the dream. If the host dreams of something along the lines of killing someone, winning some kind of lottery, or anything selfish and cruel along those lines then that is when he attacks.