Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

this is my all-ages-appropriate account for linking characters on child-friendly sites. basically there won't be any swearing, drug use, nsfw of any kind, etc. on this account

some characters on here might also be on my main account still. if you're worried about character/art theft msg me with a link and i'll confirm if the characters/art in question are from my main account or not (not linking my main here to keep this acct completely child friendly!)

some rules!

  • obviously, keep everything pg. LIGHT swearing allowed (only hell, ass, and damn)
  • no homophobia, transphobia, racism (this includes blue lives matter/all lives matter), etc. i use the block function very liberally
  • don't offer on my characters unless they're up for offers, but telling me if you love them is always appreciated! <3

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