Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Hey there!


My name is Lymle, however you may call me Lym or Lymelle (to be formal). Generally, I love to write and explore the mentalities (and suffering) of fictional characters through both writing and art. With that being said, please read this entire content warning if you have any concerns related to sensitive content.


  • Pretty obvious, but I do not condone any of the abusive or unjust actions my characters perform.
  • While my works contain sensitive content, it will never be extremely graphically explicit (highly detailed gore) or highly sexual. Warnings for sensitive content will be on the character profile, as necessary.
  • I tend to not take myself too seriously and it will probably reflect in my works and replies to mutuals.


  • Ask me questions about my characters or lore! Anything is fine as long as it isn't very sexual or asking for political leanings (asking inspirations for how I wrote my world's politics is OK though)
  • Draw fanart of characters with the tags or . Memes, simping, character roasts welcome! I'd love to see everyone's perspectives of my characters, whether you love or hate them.


  • Give criticism of my writing before asking. As of now, almost all character profiles are outdated so the critique will likely not be useful.
  • Give criticism of my art before asking. Honestly I don't want any right now so please keep it at a bare minimum.
  • Offer or ask for pings on characters here. I don't mind if you put my characters in dreamie folders. If you're interested, please check Huo for available characters.

As you read the content warnings, please keep in mind (as stated in the notices section) that I will never make graphic or sexual NSFW content. If you wish to interact but see something you're triggered by, it's highly recommended to read the specific details for what to avoid.

The images below are things that will be the most present in my writing and art.

Blood, gore, violence

Various kinds of abuse

Death & Murder

Discussion of mental health

Suicide & self harm

War Imagery


Misogyny and misandry

Dark humor

(Fictional) slurs

Alcohol, smoking, drugs

Creepy & uncanny imagery

Religion and religious themes

Gun & Weapon Use

Cop-like characters, oppression and brutality

Specific Details

  • Violence, mild to moderate gore, abuse
    • Includes cuts, bruises, blood, and pools of blood. Most characters do not have 'blood red' blood.
    • Violence is mainly fight scenes and attempts to overpower them (like pinning them down) for arresting purposes.
    • As for abuse, there's mainly emotional abuse and child abuse (neglecting them). Physical and sexual abuse is very rare in my content.
  • Frequent mentions and depictions of mental health issues, mainly of depression, paranoia, and anxiety.
    • Writings may include mild to heavy implications of depressive thoughts, suicidal thoughts, abuse, assault, self harm, death, and general feelings of hopelessness.
    • I follow multiple different recommended guidelines for portraying suicide in my work; no methods of self harm or suicide will be written about explicitly.
    • Only one character (Ronith) contains heavy implications for attempted suicide (which will be under a content warning and not detailed in any way) while some others will go from vaguely to heavily implying suicidal ideation.
    • A few characters of my characters have real mental disorders, which may or may not be specified.
  • Fictitious religious & psychological themes.
    • While religions in Churehiel is based on real life religions, I try to come up with contrasting ideologies. However, it still results in similar outcomes for religion in real life, both the good and the bad.
    • This especially applies to my currently open religious characters, Kilah and Fatima. Kilah struggles with feeling deserved to have her faith while Fatima struggles to maintain it.
    • "Psychological themes" refers in struggles to identity and the idenitity of others.
  • Morally reprehensible themes and ideas surrounding politics and human society.
    • There are monarchs and various different kinds of ideologies. There is no "good/bad" government system in the world of Churehiel based on those categories alone. Expect politics in this world to be an utter mess of bloodshed, contradictions, and conflict.
    • "Cop-like characters" refers specifically to Ayesha, Carlos, and a variety of characters from Until Next Time. They are Tralian Bounty Hunters, which basically function like freelance cops at times (Eternelah may personally hire them).
    • "Morally reprehensible themes" also refers to the exploration in my character's generally messy mindsets. Specifically, this applies to a majority of the summoners or other ostracized characters who question the status quo, human morality, and the human condition.
  • Underlying themes of sexism (mainly about gender roles), specifically within Ephemeral: Until Next Time.
    • Tral & Eternelah (where Ephemeral takes place) is an extremest matriarchal society and will discuss these ideologies in the story.
    • The gender roles (specifically in the US, where I live) will be the same, just the power dynamic flipped. The goal is to not dunk of matriarchy itself, but the concept of any gender having power over the other and how it usually results in. Nothing good, to put it lightly.

Before You Interact:

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Trigger warning: Man's chronically depressed and will VERY likely be shown in his gallery & tab content. Nothing in this bio; all triggering images will have warning tags.
Not quite sure how much I want to show yet in his bios so I can't give a solid trigger list here, but TDLR don't expect the happiest of moments from him

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