


5 years, 1 month ago



Name: Johan

Age: -

Gender: Male

Orientation: -

Birth date: June 21

Alignment: True Neutral

Occupation: Pirate, rebel, unofficial detective


Height: -

Weight: -

Hair color: dark blue

Eye colorgold


Johan appears rude and harsh at first sight- and that's how he likes to be seen as. Keeping others away is easier than befriending someone and being hurt, after all. Deep down, he actually cares a lot for the few friends he has, and is willing to do any sacrifice for them. Used to being somewhat rude to everyone, he comes off as very awkward once he tries to genuinely be nice to someone

Likes: quiet places, the sea

Dislikes: the king, authorities

Hobbies: sailing, swimming



Born in the worst part of a costal city, Johan has always seen the worst of their king's government, from theft to murder and all kind of crimes. It didn't take long for him to figure out how to survive in such a rotten city and its decaying economy. Despite his deep hate for the country's situation and his city's corruption, he still loved to spend the days in the port observing the sea, it was the one thing that always managed to make him feel completely at ease.

Once he managed to save up enough money, the first thing Johan did was get his own ship, a place where he could hide from the city whenever he wanted and go wherever he pleased. The greatest expression of his own freedom and the official start of his life as a pirate.

After a lot of thinking and hesitation, he started to talk to and then befriend other ashens in the same spot as him, helping them out as much as he could, stealing money and food for some of them and keeping the others out of trouble. It all seemed to be going well... until one of them was found dead. When the authorities didn't care enough to investigate the death of who used to be his best friend, Johan took the matter into his own hands. That became his first unofficial murder investigation and the push he needed to join the rebel cause.

Johan managed to find the culprit and deliver his own justice, losing an eye in the gruesome process. That did little to help ease the pain, though. To not be hurt like that again, he decided to try and distance himself from everyone else as much as he could, acting harsh and rude to keep them away. He treasures the few friends he has left more than anything else- even his own life.