

11 ✦ Female ✦ Persuader



Belle grew up as an unsupervised child, and often dropped off at daycare. She didn't really have a relationship with her mom, but her family friend; Meek. When Belle was mature enough to walk home from school, Meek offered her a spot in her gang as a little delivery girl. She would dress up in a Girl scout uniform to sneakily pass on important packages to clients.


Belle is an average (5'0"), yellow dog. She has very curly purple hair, and wears over sized t-shirts, with leggings. Due to her being very young, Meek mandated that she doesn't wear the required dress code, and instead to wear clothes her age to avoid suspicion. She loves pastel clothing, and owns multiple pairs of sneakers.


"The sunset is my favorite color, rainbow is my second."

  • Pastels
  • Cupcakes
  • Learning magic
  • Bows
  • Oversized clothing
  • Her mom
  • Dressing up as a girl scout
  • Spicy food
  • Uncomfy clothes
  • Extremely girly stuff


Belle considers Meek like a second Mom; she was always there when her mom wasn't. When she reached an old enough age, Meek offered her a job in her gang. Belle took it immediately, as long as it meant she got out of the house and away from her mother.


Belle's school acquaintance. She really wants to be friends with Aine, and is determined to convince her to be a part of the gang. She noticed Aine uses Sea people magic, and thinks that she would be a great addition, and work partner. Hopefully she doesn't get too nosy and questions how she learned such a rare magic...

 profile html by Hukiolukio