


5 years, 19 days ago



Name Maxine Canigula
Called Maxie / Maxine
Age Immortal, looks 24
Gender Male
Height 6'8" - 5'5"
Build High-Waisted / Hourglass
Species Demon, Probably
Power Telepoofing


Meet Maxine! Your friendly neighborhood demon, probably. Maxine is a man of few words, because his job isn't to talk to you. His job is to keep records and tabs on his higher-up's "Clients". Even if it means tracking them down himself, a job is a job. It's really the only place that would hire him, considering he has a...Rather interesting history because of a certain partner. See, Maxine has some kind of creature on his head. Nobody really knows what it is, and it's been there for as long as he could remember. It's not connected to his head like a tumor or something, it's just..His hair. Hair parasite? Hairisite. As Maxine grew older, being teased and made fun of for his..."Friend"..It finally snapped. Freshman year, Maxine was minding his own business during his lunch period. You see, some awkward, hormonal boy with braces is probably some easy prey for a school bully. Some jock had went do put food in the unsuspecting boy's hair and--Crunch. The jock's hand was gone. Despite it not being Maxine's fault at all for the other boy's stupidity, the punishment was harsh. I mean...When your hair eats some dude's hand, I guess you're responsible for that. He was expelled, obviously and the rest of his school career was spent bouncing from homeschooling, other high schools, and even private schools. Maxine just for the life of him--Couldn't. Keep. A school. Expelled, bullied, harassed---One of those three always kicked him back to square one of what he was gonna do. At that point, Maxine was growing desperate. The only reason he just couldn't be left alone was his hair. His insatiable locks of death. Tried to wear a hat--That's gone. Hairnet? Nope, not working. He tried to shave it off--Now he doesn't have an electric razor anymore. Where'd it go? Well, it disappeared into his hair and was never seen again. He was at the brink of giving up. Going and making a living from his mom's basement or something, because the world obviously didn't want him near anything like an actual job. Not after that incident with that guy's hand. That was, however until a letter arrived in the mail with Maxine's name on it. An internship...Well, he wasn't going to be paid, but the letter said everything would be covered for him, such as housing, food, you name it. "I guess nobody wanted that job, so they asked the lowest of the low to do it.", Maxine thought. He, of course, took the offer up, packed his things, gave his parents their..High-five fist bump doohickey, since nobody would hug the guy if their lives depended on it--And headed out for his first day of that internship. It was your typical secretary job--Pick up the phone, say some things, write some notes...Stalk...People...Maxine didn't even know what a human was at that point, besides these short, squishy, loud...things...But they had names, and feelings--It's some uncanny valley stuff to him. He commonly found himself peeking through the cracks of a sewer grate with nothing but a clipboard and pen, writing notes on these so-called "New-Yorkers". Well he was, until he poked his head out, asked a lady for directions, and got the 1-2 Mace to kick-in-the-face combo. Never again. Never...Again....


Alignemnt Chaotic Good
Sign Gemini
Enneagram Type 6 / The Loyalist
Flower Pansy
Element Shadow



  • A Friendly Chat
  • Staying in his Office
  • Studying Other Cultures
  • Smiling


  • Humans Touching Him / His Hair
  • Being Called a Monster
  • Traveling Often
  • His "Partner"


  • Doesn't speak often, but talks a whole lot around friends
  • His emotions can change at the drop of a hat. It's likely caused by the parasite on his head.
  • His hair happens to style itself, since it's alive.
  • The term "telepoof" was coined by a buddy of his. It makes fun of how short of a distance he can actually go with it.
  • He was born with his "hairisite", and has named it Goobert. It's unknown where it came from or what caused it to form--And has caused mental issues all Maxine's life, such as mood swings, depression, mania, and sometimes even taken control of parts of Maxine's face.
  • He was born with the red marks on his face, and can form extra eyes and mouths if he desires. It appears to not apply to any other part of his body, and could be something Goobert does on it's own. It is not permanent.
  • Spends the majority of his time in his office doing paperwork.
  • His "Hairisite" can bite through bone without an issue as a means to satisfy itself.
  • Is capable of forming legs and walking, but in any universe that isn't his own, he's bound to the ground.



Playlist (WIP)

Pepper Steak 
Song Title 
Song Title 
Song Title
