


5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Galriene the cold

age: 850

gender: female

sex: female

sexual orientation: Bisexual

species: Ice Dragoness

height: 5'7" (from toes to head, not counting horns)

treasure horde: items captured in ice stalagmites and stalactites spread across the room like a gallery, items may vary from gold, jewels, weapons, bones, etc.

personality: seductive and coy, shes very smart and loves to make people feel inadequate with questions or statements, only to watch them stumble with a smile on her face  

Bio: Recent incarnation of the ice dragon, she remains a secret in the wild continent of Viannen. Her lair lies in an ice carved cavern deep in the highest peak of the northern mountains. The lair is multi-chambered and carved to look like the inside of a lavish palace, with chandeliers, furniture, columns and weapons made from ice. The "palace" is dotted with translucent silk curtains and a strange cold light illuminates it. Most of the columns are part of her trove, holding within them priceless items except for the treasure room, which contains untold riches and secrets which the ice reveals only to her. Despite her demeanor, Glariene has been alone for the better part of 200 years, keeping her presence from those that would harm her and her kind.


-shes not afraid to kill

-wears very little and at most times transparent for two reasons, in the cold she dresses like that as a way to rub it in that the cold holds no bite for its mistress, but she also is a very proud woman who doesnt hesitate to show off her assets. 

-she has full control of ice and often weaponizes it as a defense.

-when excited or altered, she looses control for a second and frost starts to form around her


-the cold

-buxom young bodies and scars

-tales of riches




-extreme heat

-being covered up

-pretentious people