


8 years, 25 days ago


Ondura (On-Dra) "Onii"

April 19
Flirty Haughty Sensual Strong Confident


First Impression: One would definitely notice her size. Ondura is  tall and buxom, exuding a great amount of confidence merely in the way that she walks and dresses.

Sadness: One would think she is actually angry as she acts with frustration and annoyance rather than mopping or crying.

Happiness: She acts with a sated coolness and sultry cockiness, never one to over react.

Anger: Her anger is directed back at whoever caused it, usually through insults. 

Afraid: Not one to be easily unnerved, thus fear in her would be seen as confusion, panic or maybe even anger.

Love: Promiscuity is the key. Romantic relationships aren't her thing. However, she protects her loved ones with great ardor.

Hate: Ondura can be extremely spiteful if provoked but she'd much rather play it cool and ignore the cause of her problems.

Want: She will pursue until she gets what she wants.

Confused: She finds the answers to clear her confusion and won't rest until she finds them..

Romance: Ondura is forward, If she's attracted to someone she isn't afraid to approach them. She admires a man with confidence enough to approach her, but its not necessary. Some might consider her to be promiscuous, and that's probably accurate, but she'd disagree. She likes to think her process of choosing a guy is very careful and calculated. She doesn't want the responsibility and the ties of "romance" but she loves her friends and is very protective of them.