


5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Sandy Seawing


He/Him | Heterosexual | Lawful Neutral | Sandy Seawing Dragon | 30 | 190 (cm) / 6'3" (ft)

Aurum hatched alone, and after getting over that trauma, quite frankly prefers to stay alone. He's lived on a small island all of his life, and while there' no cave big enough for him, the animals living there know not to disturb his leafy dwelling when he's asleep. Otherwise, Aurum spends most of his days flying around the island, swooping around and collecting shells and shiny things for his bedside. He's also taken up a pescatarian diet, eating fish as he goes and fruit from the island on good days. If you're lucky, you might hear his faint singing as you pass by the island, or see his head poke out of the water from a distance.

Common attributes/symbols: Shells, coconuts, shyness Common activities/hobbies: Fishing, swimming, napping, talking to himself

You can draw them with:
Pelipper (Partner Pokemon) - Pelipper visits the island almost every day after becoming friends with Aurum, bringing shells and shiny bits! Aurum prefers to stay on his island, but if Pelliper didn't come back one day, he'd be hard set to go find him. There's no Pokeball, but an unbreakable bond!
Astro (Friend) - Astro comes over on occasion and brings plenty of snacks and pina coladas for the two of them! They usually end up swimming together, and drying off at a little campfire and staring at the stars. Astro has tried to convince Aurum to come back with him, but so far with no luck.