Toxi's Comments

hello ! :D i am back for the liddol darling ! :3 if this isn't enough however, i can offer an art trade for them if ya'd prefer cos i really love em :D they would either end up in my scenecore/kidcore folder ^^ both of which i display on my front page cos i love to show them off (scenecore folder is a WIP right now though so not displayed on my front page yet. i been trying to organize, just busy irl)
i can use the template you made ^^

Name: Toxi (or Noxin/Sludge), the radioactive bat     (either that or goo because their chest markings resemble it :D)

Gender: male + he/him (i might make them trans if that's ok! if not i understand)

Age: mid 20s

Likes: fireflies, gummy snacks, glowsticks, nail polish/eyeshadow, slushies, cartoon shows

Dislikes: loud sounds, raves (the loudness/brightness scares him), skeletons, getting lost :(

Bio/Story: Toxi is likely a result from a slime experiment (or radioactive material experiment) ! I feel this because of their different colored inverted eye and overall marking pattern. i am art trading for an owl scientist OC, so perhaps they will have a pre-existing relationship with each other ^^ i would very much look forward to ideas with the both of them!
small facts about them-
Anything they bite turns into radioactive material OR just generally glows in the dark ! :] i like the latter idea better (its less harmful lol)
they enjoy eating fireflies, and have a diet of fireflies, gummy snacks, and slushies. they suck out glowstick liquid just for fun, it might make their right eye change color temporarily :)
their green markings glow in the dark along with their singular inverted eye (right side eye)

an additional note, i would also add a bit more to their design - i am imagining their wings with oozing green & purple slime (and possibly a tail/or a long tail) and remove the ball chain from their leg , if that is allowed. ;w; also, i do not sell or trade characters. me and my husband make adoptables to sell/trade, so they shall permanently be with me, if it is any comfort ^^ feel free to look at my profile before deciding, of course :D

my food password : my favorite food is cheeseburgers ! but it used to (and always will actually be) spaghetti. i had terrible acid reflux and stomach issues the past year so i haven't eaten spaghetti in a whole year+, so burgers are the only real secondary lol i miss pasta

hiya ! i wrote up a little WTA attached to this comment for Toxi :) feel free to look ! :D let me know what ya decide and if its good enough or not, cos i can always offer my art for the dear instead ^^

Hi! Holy cow I am soooo sorry I never logged in here. I was in and out of the hosptial until last week and this account totally slipped my mind. TvT If you still would be interested in doing any art I would happy to oblige that offer + offer anyone from my sale folder (and freebie folder as well, no wta needed for those)! But your WTA also checks out great! That's so much more information that I was expecting, and the design change are ok too! I appreciate the effort you put into your WTA!

I'll send this kiddo over your way shortly! If you're interested in doing art for anyone else though let me know! Again, very very sorry for forgetting to check here. I had a couple procedures done, so I was soo out of it. TvT

OMGGGGGGGGG I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER THAT SOUNDS SO AWFUL TnT i hope ur procedures went well, i also had to hae procedures done this past December for stomach problems so i know how that feels :[ i had to have a scope down my stomach
thank you so, so much for this baby ! :D ill slide them right over onto my Mains folder :3 ! to give him lots of attention and love ~ when i update his design can i send ya how it looks ? :D
thank you, omgggg i fell in love with him even more after i filled out his bio lol i LOVE the idea of him biting something and it glows onwards, and the cursed thought of hims drinking forbidden glowstick juice XD
I would love to make ya art ! <3 :D send over any OC folder you want of characters you wanna show me and ill draw em when i can :3

I am much better! Thank you for the kind words and concern! I just had a bad infection in my face due to breaking a tooth, so I was in and out of the er a few times, and hosptial once rip. They finally did the final procedure on the 29th, so I'm all good now! Just needed to rest up! :"D 

But I'm very glad you're doing better with your stomach! That sounds hectic! And you can totally send me a pm regarding his updated design, I'd love to see! Thank you for giving him a home! Your idea for him sounded amazing! ^^

As for the art, do you think you'd be comfy drawing my pokemon sona Bea? Been looking for art of them a lot lately! The best images to use for reference of him are his ref, and then these two images! If not them, I can pick someone else out! Thank you so much!! 

is this sweetie still open for WTA ? ^^ i love bats and these colors are eye-catching, i heckin love neon designs X3 so i would love to try my hand at WTA for them ! maybe even throw in my art, as well ! cos some of your OCs caught my intrigue and they look fun to draw !
SlugSlush / i hope it is okay to ping ya ^^ (i also hope that works bc i don't use pinging on here and dont know if it always works XD)