


5 years, 5 months ago



  • HEIGHT 5'11"
  • AGE 7,000
  • ORIGIN Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Unknown
  • FACTION Crystal Gems
  • ROLE Freedom Fighter
  • WEAPON Unknown
  • VOICE Dan Reynolds
  • DANCE Unknown
  • VALUE $33

The Beginning

Factor Eight


Though he is sometimes awkward with social exchanges, he is naturally a very friendly always wants to be around others. Rather than actually go out of his way to interact, however, he's generally quiet and more than often sitting somewhere high where he can people watch instead. When amongst a busy crowd, he can be easily distracted and overwhelmed, but whenever he is in a calm or neutral setting he seems more relaxed and comfortable. Angel doesn't actually speak much, really, but will engage in long one on one conversations if prompted.

Angel has a very confident and positive soul. He's generally pleasant to be around, understanding about other's problems, compassionate when it comes to his friends and his role, and forgiving to all. He always goes above and beyond to try and do his absolute best and to help others in need. A lot of the time he doesn't know how to express his own feelings but he definitely is very affectionate and protective of those he cares for. He's a good shoulder to lean on and his comforting aura usually leaves others relaxed and calm whenever around him.

Angel's most notable flaw is the fact he can be too forgiving. He doesn't hold grudges, he has a very neutral mindset, and he can be easily taken advantage for this. Another major flaw of his is that he's definitely far too easily distracted by everything around him, making him seem a little scatterbrained at times when he isn't actively focusing on the task at hand. He does his absolute best when he's calm and just needs to learn how to slow down. But because he'd been held back so often, Angel is sometimes a little too over eager to try and solve a problem which can get the better of him if he isn't careful.

Due to rising disputes of the gems amongst her court, Blue Diamond ordered a new batch of Angelites to be created to keep the peace. Since Angelites were rare and usually a fairly big deal when they're made, there were plenty of extra precautions that their particular kindergarten underwent. After being created on a remote, off site location, Angelite and his peers had barely emerged out of the ground before they were whisked away to another place to begin training for their jobs, assigned their stations, and told to do their very best and keeping the peace within the court.

Angelites are delicate gems, not suitable for any kind of physical conflict and one would never see an Angelite by themselves in a public location. After Angel had received his training, he was stationed in a beautiful outpost where he could be safe and secure. He lived what one would assume was an easy life on Homeworld. Things were generally quiet other than the occasional summon to solve minor disputes and end petty arguments that took place within his sector. Unfortunately he wasn't always the best at his job. He found himself easily distracted by everything going on and whither or not he succeeded in solving the issues between both sides, he was always sent right back home to wait for his next mission. After a while he began to dread going back home. Angel found it boring, lonely even.

There at his station he had no friends or companions. For a while he tried to befriend some of the guards but they would either completely ignore him or always get switched out and replaced before he could make any progress. Whenever he'd be sent out on a mission sometimes he would even try delaying returning back to his outpost in hopes for more time to be social, but he would always get taken back home. He started to get less and less missions, the uppercrust realizing he wasn't quite performing his role as well as the other Angelites. But while he wanted to do good at his job, each time he was let out he seemed to get worse. But it wasn't because he couldn't do his job. It was because he didn't want to. He felt like a caged bird, trapped in his own home, unable to be free and fly how he wanted. But that was just how it was, and eventually he understood, but by then he'd lost his credibility.

However it wasn't long before he began hearing stories of a "rebellion" and of a Rose Quartz behind the whole thing. The events on Earth caused quite an uproar on Homeworld. At first Angel was pretty curious about it, but eventually he became way in over his head with the whole ordeal. Homeworld gems from left and right began arguing about the events taking place so far away from where they were. Eventually Angel was put back on the job. He, and a small team of Angelites, spent the majority of their time trying to settle their fellow Homeworlders down but they were eventually invited to Earth instead. Blue Diamond was hoping the Angelites could settle the dispute between Homeworld and Rebel gems first hand, and officially end the conflict of the war. Angel immediately accepted, first off; eager to get out and see something new, and probably get far far away from his cage as he could, and secondly; wanting to finally have a chance to prove himself to his superiors that he could make a difference.

But ironically enough, once he actually got to Earth he was quick to change his mind. Once he was there and seeing what was going on, Gems rebelling in order to be able to do what they want, be who they want, and be free from Homeworld rule, Angel found himself more interested in their ideals than he expected himself to be. But of course, he should have expected it. He longed for Homeworld to allow him to do as HE pleased, after all. Why wouldn't he agree with the rebels? They simply wanted to be left alone, to live their lives, to be happy. And frankly... Angelite agreed with that philosophy.

After the first several attempts to make peace with the rebels, to convince them to just let Homeworld do as Homeworld does, Angelite quietly stepped away from Homeworld's clutches and out of his role. He hadn't realized that he'd longed to break free for so long. And once he finally did... Things were honestly great! He had friends, the fellow Crystal Gems who openly accepted him amongest them. He could go wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted. And one of his favorite things to do was fly, of course. He would fly all day and night if he could, and he certainly tried to do so, until one late evening he was shot out of the sky by an unknown source.

He hadn't seen it coming and had no time to react at all. The powerful blast had completely overtook his physical form, resulting him poofing back into the safety of his gem to recover. His gemstone was quickly lost, only to be picked up by another and soon he'd found himself bubbled and locked away in safe keeping. He'd missed the fact that Pink Diamond had been shattered. He'd missed the fact that the war ended. And he'd missed the fact that the other three Diamonds, in their grief, had destroyed the minds of nearly all the other gems on the planet. He remains there in his bubble, his safe place, waiting for the day he could be let free once again.

  • Attention
  • Affection
  • Stars / Stargazing
  • Warmth
  • Blankets
  • Candles
  • Song and Dance
  • Quiet places
  • Naps
  • Water (likes the feel of it on his skin)
  • Being alone
  • Very high or low temperatures
  • Negativity
  • Fighting
  • Darkness
  • Water (doesn't like the feel of it on his wings)

  • He can use his wings to fly.
  • He can project an aura of calming, healing and mending energies on a very small scale. Using his aura on others, he can attempt to: comfort and soothe, relieve tension, stress and anger, dispel negative emotions, boost confidence, negate any magical illnesses or infections, and even heal minor physical wounds.
  • He may sometimes use his aura on himself if he absolutely has to.
  • He has empathic abilities that allow him to be able to pick up or "sense" vague emotions from other gems.
  • He has an increased sense of awareness and sensitivity to the area in his immediate vicinity.
  • He can not carry anything or anyone that weighs more than himself in flight.
  • His wings are extremely sensitive to touch, extreme temperatures, and water.
  • His wings can be damaged very easily and he can not fly with damaged or wet wings.
  • Despite being a wind element gem, he isn't capable of controlling the wind. So when he's in flight he's at the mercy of the air currents around him.
  • If attempting to calm or heal another, he must be in contact with them in order for his ability to have any effect.
  • His aura abilities may not work on everyone.
  • Using his aura abilities to heal is very draining and is often only used as a last resort.
  • Using his aura abilities on himself is even more exhausting for him and he tries to avoid doing so.
  • His empathic abilities are not to be mistaken as mind reading; he can only sense basic emotions like grief, joy, anger.
  • Has to be near the gem to be able to sense their emotions. (around 2 meter range)
  • He may not be able handle large amounts of emotions at once can can get easily overwhelmed by them.
  • He may also get overwhelmed if there is too much going on around him.


fusion name
[component x component]


  • fun fact!
  • fun fact!
  • fun fact!

Artist Notes

  • notes
  • notes
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Character Credits

Code by Aurorean