☯ Yenyen



5 years, 2 months ago


Raised in Iota, but living in a city in Delta, Yenyen is an 18 year old high school student. She has a group of friends that she spends most of her time with and is rater quiet and reserved compaired to her buddies. She loves decora fashion and wants to own an accessories shop when shes older. She spends alot of time in the mall looking for cute clothes and accessories to add to  her ever expanding wardrobe. She also frequents the arcade there and particularly loves 80's arcade machines like Q-bert and Digdug. She has the high score on most of the machines in her local mall, except the gross zombie ones , ew. She's rather short and is the smallest in her group of friends, she is often mistaken for being younger than she is. She is dating a boy from her school who she met at the mall named Todrick. Todrick is in a wheel chair and Yenyen often rides around with him or pushes him and stands on the back to ride along. Both lovers of cute accessories and stuffed things, they make an adorable sugarfloss pair. In their last year of highschool Yenyen found out she was pregnant! It was a shock to everyone (especially their parents) as no one expected little Tod and Yenyen to be sexually active, as naiive and harmless as they seem. They decided to keep their baby, and though being a pregnant teen wasnt a cake walk, they had a ton of love and support from their family and friends and are working hard to do things right. They are planning to wed after they graduate and get jobs and a place of their own.