05. Jacqueline Seed



5 years, 1 month ago



Jacqueline Seed




Race: Human
Role: New Eden Scout | The Shepard of New Eden| Highwaymen Fight Champion | Guardian of Prosperity
Alias: Jackie, Jax, The Shepard, The Inquisitor, The Wrath of Eden
Orientation: Heterosexual
Alliance: New Eden [Former] | The Highwaymen [Temporary] | Prosperity
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Marital Status: Dating


  • New Eden [Former]
  • The Highwaymen [Temporary]
  • Herself
  • Prosperity


  • The Highwaymen
  • The World
  • Mickey & Lou
  • Ethan Seed



Jacqueline is very hotheaded and stubborn. She's very combative towards the world around her, always proving herself to everyone. She desperately wants to be accepted by the people around her. To hear praises of approval and love instead of being constantly pushed back simply because of how she looks. Actions always speak louder than words to her, but the words she hears sting just as much. She feels that the world is against her because of this, she's always having to go an extra mile just to get someone's attention or prove them wrong. She hates that everyone's against her but she garners her strength from her family. Knowing that they're always there for her, always gives her that extra push she needs to move forward.

Unlike her mother, Jacqueline isn't very religious. If anything, she has a very loose interpretation of believing in a higher power. Which is a very stark contrast compared to both her parents -- who were very devote to Joseph's Word and had very religious centric upbringings. She's seen talking about it and struggling with the concept but she doesn't overtly say what her beliefs are. She believes people are sinful creatures but there's nothing that one can do to cleanse themselves of that. Even after talking to Joseph for the last time, she says that her "soul is blackened enough". Which implies she does believe in some sort of higher being or the idea of it. She's also seen expressing some sort of religious belief even when she was around the Highwaymen. Though her struggle with her faith wasn't as dire as her mother's, Jacqueline simply just has those beliefs as a moral code to an extent.

Jacqueline also rather known for her exuberantly short temper. She's gotten better about reigning in her temper since her exile from New Eden but it falters here and there. She hates being associated as "her father's daughter", or some slur akin to it. She'd rather people judge her on her character rather than her appearance. However, she thinks of herself more as her "mother's daughter" because she's very methodical. Although she appears to be more upfront about what she's doing and shows a lack of secrecy, it's very much the opposite. She admits to Mickey, before killing her, that she not only pulled the wool over her and the Highwaymen's eyes, but everyone else in Hope County. She wanted to prove to everyone that she could bring down the Twins, which was a feat that was considered unlikely to happen. She also admits to Joseph and Carmina Rye that her joining the Highwaymen was to use them basically to find her mother.

In summary, Jacqueline is very likely to start a fight and raise some hell. She'll also be watching what everyone's up to as well, waiting for her chance to strike. She's very much her parent's child, as she acts like they both do and stands out as her own person. Which is all she wants the world to see: That she's her own person and not some monster they originally thought she was.


Jacqueline Seed is the daughter of John Seed and Emma Sandersson. She was raised by her mother and Cain Thompson, who she regards as her uncle. John died before The Collapse (aka the Nuclear Holocaust) and she was born three years prior. She lived in a bunker for six years with her mother and her uncle and when she stepped onto the surface, she was complete awe of the world. Her mother, to her at least, didn't give any credit to the beauty and vast array of colors Jacqueline saw. She loved the world around her so much and felt like she was dreaming. However, that affection wasn't reciprocated right away. When they arrived to her father's ranch, she and her family were spurned by looters and scavengers that claimed the place. They were turned away by most of the people in Hope County as well until arriving at New Eden.

She spent most of her life growing up in New Eden and growing up with her cousin, Ethan Seed. The two were close, often seen more as siblings rather than cousins. They were inseparable for a long time, always curious about the world around them and the religious faith Joseph Seed preached. Neither really found the same solace in Joseph's sermons as the rest of New Eden had and often talked about it. Finding that it was easier to question the world than accept it as it was. They found a way to compromise it, accepting the blind faith of their community. After Joseph exiled himself, Jacqueline was always there for Ethan. Giving him whatever boost he needed and always offering to help him with whatever he was trying to do. Showing her support to him was important, or so she felt. Knowing his mother had died and growing up around his father, who he felt rejected him, made her want to be there for him. Until he exiled Jacqueline's mother, Emma, for not being "devote enough" to New Eden's cause. Her mother didn't fight it and instead just made Jacqueline promise that they'd meet again one day. Her mother curbed the worst of Jacqueline's instincts, which were more destructive than she could've guessed. She had shown a lot of similar qualities that her father had, in which Cain and Emma described as "overly protective" towards her family. She showed a rage towards the world that Jacqueline didn't understand... well not until her mother left.

After Emma was exiled from New Eden, Jacqueline's rage grew. She felt like she had to prove herself more than ever to show her devotion to her family. So she learned from Cain how to become a better fighter. She wanted to survive and didn't want to break her mother's promise. So her uncle, as well as Robbie (who was just recognized as The Judge), helped her out. They taught her everything they knew. How to survive in the wilderness outside of New Eden, how to defend herself, using stealth and wit to traverse the new world. When she felt she was ready, Jacqueline went up to Ethan to tell him she wanted to look for Joseph's Word. Her offer was met with harsh criticism but he didn't turn her down. Figured it was better for her to leave so he could do his own thing without her around. When they announced to their community what Jacqueline was doing, the people around her figured she would be the one to bring Joseph out of his exile. Though she didn't care about being "The Shepard", the person Joseph prophesied to lead New Eden after he passed away, she just wanted to learn more about herself. She was using this as an excuse to learn about her father, what New Eden was before The Collapse, and to find her mother.

She didn't find anything on them at first. Running into a lot of trouble with the growing presence of the Highwaymen made it hard to salvage some of the old properties that belonged to the Project at Eden's Gate. However, she continued to search Hope County for some trace of her parents and any sort of rumors about Joseph's Word. She had found a lot of the old Eden's Gate properties, that were salvageable and able to be explored. Mainly they were facilities housing the Bliss, pilgrimage refuges, and even old outposts belonging to either of Joseph's Heralds. She learned a lot about him and what he was up to before The Collapse. Finding a room on "his island" that was filled with biblical phrases and pictures of each member of the Seed Family. She even found scattered and torn up remnants of some of the bibles the Project had given to its members. She also learned about her dead aunt and uncle, Faith and Jacob Seed, as well as finding some documents that her father had. She explored John's Gate, or at least what she could of it. After realizing how flooded it was and seeing its disrepair, she only managed to salvage a book that had all sorts of pictures of her parents in it. When she looked at it, she found a lot of scribbles that her father wrote down. Most of it looked like writings from a maniac. Going on about how people should be cleansed of their sins, people accepting the "Power of Yes", and owning one's sins. None of it made any real sense to her. Her image of her own father faltered as well, she pictured him as being this incorruptible person with stalwart values. Seeing his written sermons made her wonder if he was even sane. Nevertheless, she dropped the search for her parents and moved on to looking for Joseph's Word.


She traveled nearly everywhere in Hope county by now. Nearly everywhere. She didn't explore the island near New Eden, that was shielded by some weird smokey barrier. She remembered being warned against going near it as a kid, the smoke being something called "The Bliss". Her mother said that it was a drug that made people see and experience untrue things. It played on the minds of the people who were influenced by it. After giving herself a pep talk, she finally found the courage to walk through the smokey barrier. Once she passed it, the world around her changed and everything was more colorful. She found herself following after a fiery apparition of Joseph. He guided her through the island, helping her solve the cryptic puzzles he left behind as she got closer and closer to a bunker on the island. When she got inside, she found his copy of Joseph's Word. Jacqueline felt like she had accomplished a difficult feat. She searched for this book for years, having learned all she could about New Eden's past and about her own family. She immediately started back to New Eden.

She was welcomed back home with open arms. Everyone in the community happy to see her back home and even more excited that she had brought back Joseph's Word as well. She felt like her luck was starting to turn around, she was finally able to feel comfortable in her own skin and felt like she had a purpose. However, that was short lived until she ran into Ethan. He was anything but happy that she had come back home and even more unhappy that she had found Joseph's Word. The two argued about it for a bit before the village's Chosen begged for Jacqueline to go lit the sacred fire at Joseph's Statue. Reluctantly, Ethan let his cousin go to light the flame. When she returned, she immediately set out to find Joseph Seed. Going north of the village and into the unknown it housed. An island covered in Bliss was one thing, but a whole area stretching as far north of Hope County as it could was another matter entirely.

The journey up north felt more thought provoking than she had thought. She wasn't sure if it was her own doubts or the Bliss, but as she made her way towards the old dam, she felt confused. She wasn't sure about what she wanted to do. During her travels through Hope County, she came across all sorts of people. Some of them were welcoming to her, others threatened or were threatened by her, and some were the same people that pushed her away, calling her a monster. The confidence she had after finding Joseph's Word had faded. Mostly because of the few conversations she and her cousin had before she left. Jacqueline started to wonder if she was what people thought she was, a monster. The only thing spurring the idea was rethinking all the ramblings her father had written. The more she thought about it, the more uncertain she was. She had a family and place to call home, but she was starting to realize maybe she didn't truly belong there? When she reached Joseph's home at the top of valley, she confronted him about it. Confessing all the confusion and doubt she was finding herself being plagued with. It wasn't all of a sudden, just slowly piling on until she just wasn't sure anymore. Joseph eased her concerns, as much as he was able to at least. He told her the same stories he told her about her father when she was young. About how easily preyed on he was, how he helped people confess their sins, and how he met her mother -- especially how her mother changed him. He wasn't so angry at the world, but instead more concerned with helping the people that inhabited it. She also told him that she had found his book and he led her to the tree above his home. When she ate one of the fruit from it, she felt like she was dreaming. Fighting some horrid monster that relentlessly chased her. Only being guided by Joseph's words as she fought and tried to outrun it. When the monster fell, she awoke to her uncle watching over her. He explained what happened and she felt a slightly renewed sense of confidence.

Jacqueline and Joseph made their way back to New Eden. Once again, they were welcomed back with open arms and immense affection... except from Ethan. Seeing how upset her cousin was, and feeling the same doubts creeping up on her, she asked to talk to both Ethan and Joseph in private. She explained how, despite being depicted as The Shepard, she didn't feel she was really ready to lead their people to a new home. Instead, she offered for Ethan to lead them in her stead and adding that she wanted to do some more soul searching. Joseph showed immense patience towards her, being understanding in her unease and uncertainty that plagued her from the conversations they had. Ethan, however, only showed resentment towards her modesty. They got into an argument. The topics ranged from how they acted, to how fortunate they were, and even to how devote they were to their home. Ethan called Jacqueline a monster and, using her "gift", nearly killed him. Joseph stopped her but she felt horrified by what she had done. Without another word, she left New Eden and exiled herself. She left a note behind for the others to find, but for the most part she just wanted to leave. She didn't go by herself, her uncle Cain accompanying her so she wouldn't be alone to deal with nature and the Highwaymen.

This is when she felt overwhelmed and rejected by the world. She had given her love to it and all that it gave her was pain and grief. Her father had died before she was born, her mother was exiled from their own home, and now her cousin had called her a monster and she was wondering if there was truth in that. Her and her uncle opted to look for her mother, starting with Prosperity. They turned them away, but Jacqueline overheard the scouts calling her a monster. Feeling enraged, she simply ran away from her uncle. If she was a monster, then she'd become one. She went straight for the Highwaymen's fighting arena, having passed by it when it in her travels, she figured it was a good place to start. Wearing a disguise, she fought her way through every challenger that was thrown at her. Jacqueline was the only one left standing and she was named champion. The ring leader introduced her to the Twins, Mickey and Lou (the leaders of the Highwaymen around Hope County). After spending a night with them, watching their tyrannical personalities clash with each other and killing those around them that slightly disagreed with them, she had found a way to redeem herself.

Even if she was The Shepard, she knew she had to deal with these monsters. The only thing that came to mind was by becoming a real monster herself. They were cruel and only offered more bloodshed on more bloodshed. She helped the Highwaymen, as much as she felt she was able to at least, and became known as "The Inquisitor". She picked the name because of her father but also felt it applied to her mission as well. She'd fight against the Twins as much as she was able, as both Jacqueline Seed and The Inquisitor. She became the reigning champion in all the arenas she could in the Highwaymen's circles. She proved to be unbeatable using her fists and in the Demolition Derby that was held every so often. Once she felt like she was at least a little safe, she started to run between both her lives. She had went back to uncle, after disappearing for months on end. Once she felt like she needed to go back to rejoin the Highwaymen, she left him and tried to play it easy. Between the interchanges of her appearances, Jacqueline used whatever resources she could to find her mother in Hope County. Not being able to turn anything up for a while.

Eventually, she's approached by Irwin Smalls. He claimed to need her assistance in trying to stir some trouble for some people that he disagrees with among the Highwaymen. He sealed the deal by saying he knows where she "disappears" to during the long stretches of time she's not seen. Whether she was sure he knew about her or not, she didn't really disagree with helping him. At first, it was killing a few people he tricked into fighting her through the Highwaymen's fight clubs. Then it moved to killing them in the Demolition Derby and eventually just outright finding them and killing them. She didn't see the harm in it and felt empowered by it really. He never gave her up either, after she revealed her identity to him -- having always wore a mask so no one outside of the gang would recognize her. Once she felt she could trust him, she made a deal with him. She told him that she was going to kill Mickey and Lou, because they were as bad as bad was getting at the moment. He counter offered by suggesting if she killed a few of the more superior members of the gang, he could take over and leave Hope County. They agreed for it to be the best outcome and did whatever they could to bring down the gang from the inside.

In the last Demolition Derby she attended, Jacqueline and Irwin planned to kill Mickey, Lou, and all the higher members of the gang. However, their plan was interrupted when she saw Ethan walking around with Mickey. When the Twins left, she kept her end of the deal, killing everyone in the room and moving to New Eden. Fearing it was in danger because of her stupid cousin. When she arrived, the whole place was in flames and the Twins were killing everyone she knew and loved. Feeling her rage consume her, Jacqueline took on the Twins and succeeded. She killed Lou and then Mickey, after she told Jacqueline where Ethan went. Fearing for her cousin's stupidity again, she traveled up north. When she arrived to the end of the valley, she tried to stop Ethan from eating one of the fruits from Joseph's tree. Being unsuccessful, she hesitantly followed after him to stop the monster he was changing into. After her fight with Ethan, and seeing him die, Jacqueline felt crushed. Joseph begged her to kill him too and she refused. She instead left them and went back to New Eden. Watching it burn down, she felt there was only one thing she and her people could do: go to Prosperity.

Once they arrived at Prosperity, Jacqueline explained everything that happened to the people of New Eden and the Highwaymen. She added that all she cared about what her people's safety. Once she felt they were accommodated, Jacqueline packed up her things to once again leave her people. To go search for her mother. As soon as she stepped out of her temporary room, she saw her mother waiting for her by one of the gate's out of the small settlement. She ran over to her mother, feeling like her luck was starting to turn. All of the trouble she went through and she had finally been reunited with her mother. She came to grips with the fact that she was as ready to lead the people of New Eden as she was able to. She had stopped the evil tormenting her home, she had found a place to belong, and she was being recognized as a hero instead of a monster.

Today, Jacqueline resides in Prosperity with her family. She searches Hope County for a place to expand their community. She's not as uncertain about herself as she once was and feels accepted by the people around her. She serves as her family's guardian and protector against any lingering Highwaymen and antagonistic scavengers.



John Seed

[ Father | Deceased ]
Jacqueline only has vague memories of someone who might've looked like her father but doesn't remember much of John. She remembers talking to someone who looked like him about her mom before The Collapse but since she was so young, the memory itself is pretty stale. She's told a lot by her mother and her uncle Joseph that she, herself, is a lot like John. After learning about him in her travels, she doesn't see what people mean by it. Reading his journals and some of the letters she recovered, she wondered why people assume she's so much like him. After joining the Highwaymen, she used her father's quote quite a bit: she was going to show the Highwaymen the Power of Yes. Afterwards, she wondered if John was even sane or if anyone from the Project at Eden's Gate were lucid. Once she met up with her mother again, Jacqueline asked about why so many people say she's so much like John. Her mother just said that they have a similar passion towards everything. After thinking on it, she could see why people would assume that but she honestly doesn't see herself having too much in common with John despite looking and acting like him. What she does remember about John is him being really nice, kind, and loving towards her and her mother.

Emma Sandersson

[ Mother ]
Jacqueline's mother means the world to her. Without Emma around, Jacqueline's sure she would've gone off the deep end at some point. Knowing that her mother's always there for her however, Jacqueline persevered regardless. She knows her mother won't ever abandon her and that gives her all the strength she needs. After The Collapse and joining New Eden, everything felt surreal and rewarding. Like they had traversed the world and were finally given rest and do whatever they wished. When Emma was exiled from New Eden, Jacqueline was pissed and restless. However that flash of anger was set to ease by Emma when she made Jacqueline promise that they'd find each other again. That Jacqueline would do whatever it took to survive and find her. That promise is one of the few things that Jacqueline honestly believes separates her from her father but Emma says otherwise. Jacqueline didn't see her mother for a few years and when she finally did, they were more than happy that they had been reunited.

Joseph Seed

[ Uncle ]
Jacqueline has always looked up to her uncle and has often defended him after his self-imposed exile in spats against her cousin, Ethan. She truly loves Joseph but after learning about what he and the rest of her family did in the name of the Project at Eden's Gate, she's unsure if they're "good". She's not entirely convinced they were "evil" either but maybe just misinterpreted. She has a vague understanding of New Eden's previous life and knows that they truly thought they were doing good, just not in the right sense. Either way, it doesn't color her view of her family or New Eden. She looked up to Joseph as a moral guide or for wisdom before he left. When she met up with him again, she had that same admiration for his guidance. Having lost her mother, feeling confused about her own intentions, and learned a lot about the Seed Family and what they did to Hope County as well. With his guidance, and having felt a little reassured, she guided Joseph home from his exile as his Shepard. During the limited amount of time she was in New Eden, she spent a lot of that time with Joseph. Wanting to understand her father better and trying to find herself. When she exiled herself, for not feeling ready to lead the people of New Eden, Joseph was surprisingly supportive about it. They didn't see each other until years later after she killed the Twins, Mickey and Lou. Jacqueline beelined it towards where Joseph had been exiled and after killing her cousin, admitted that she didn't want to kill anyone ever again. With her cousin's blood on her hands, she felt disgusted with herself and wanted to be far from where she was. However, Joseph persisted that she go and help their people and end his life. She told him that she couldn't, the guilt of having killed her cousin was just too much for her and she didn't want to hurt Joseph. So she left him with her gun and hasn't seen or heard of him since.

Robbie Sandersson

[ Uncle | Mentor ]
Jacqueline didn't meet Robbie until after living in New Eden. At first, he was distant towards her, then became more protective towards her. Along with Cain, Robbie taught Jacqueline how to survive in the new world outside of their home. How to hunt, fight, and get by unseen. All these lessons Jacqueline took to heart, more so after she left to find Joseph's Word and again after she exiled herself. She's never seen what her uncle's face looks like under his mask and is one of the few people that refers to him as "Robbie" instead of "The Judge". She does know what his voice sounds like however and that he's constantly terrorized by nightmares about killing Jacqueline's father, uncle, and aunt. She doesn't know the extent of the pain he went through but has helped him come to terms with her father's death as much as she was able to.

Ethan Seed

[ Cousin ]
Jacqueline has always felt like she and Ethan were more siblings than cousins. She loves him just as much as she loves her mother, uncles, and close friends. She always took his concerns to heart and always defended him. Despite having always butt heads about something as they got older, Jacqueline always took his side over the rest of the village's. Feeling he was here while Joseph just ran away. Even after Joseph came home, she talked to them both about it, saying Ethan deserved to be the leader out of them all. Though, that led to Ethan thinking she was slighting him and they got into a huge fight about it. Even after Jacqueline left New Eden, she showed the same admiration and love for him as before and never really showed any form of disappointment towards him either. She tried to talk him out of eating the fruit from Joseph's Tree and was remorseful after killing him.

Cain Thompson

[ Uncle | Mentor ]
Jacqueline has always had Cain around. She remembered him skulking around her and her mother when she was a kid. As far as she's concerned, Cain's more of her father than John might have been. Although she doesn't mention it to him, she does mention that she loves how he's always looking out for her. With Robbie's help, Cain taught Jacqueline how to survive in the new world outside of their home. How to hunt, fight, and get by unseen. All these lessons Jacqueline took to heart, more so after she left to find Joseph's Word and again after she exiled herself. Cain and Jacqueline traveled together after she was exiled form New Eden and he caught onto what she was doing when she joined the Highwaymen. He tried not to pry too much, knowing she probably had an ulterior goal in mind. He did show some support for her however, not trying to let her know he knew she was up to something. Cain eventually tells her that he knew she was up to something and offers to help but she considers his help too late by the time the Twins destroy their home. On her orders, he does rescue the people of New Eden with Robbie's help. After Ethan's death, he's seen consoling her and trying to help her reconcile with it.

Mickey & Lou

[ Enemies ]
Jacqueline has always hated the Twins. Often talking shit about them as often as she was able to behind their backs. She saw them as a way to redeem herself, to prove to the people in Hope County that she wasn't the monster they thought she was. When she met them, she was honestly terrified by them. After joining the Highwaymen, she grew even more terrified of them. Mostly because they didn't have a code to live by other than whatever they find is their's and death to anyone that disagrees with them. So Jacqueline bided her time, learning as much as she could about them and honing her abilities until she could kill them. She gave it her all when fighting them in New Eden and killed Mickey without a second thought. She really hated them in the end and didn't see any redeemable qualities between either of them.

Kim & Nick Rye

[ Acquaintances ]
Jacqueline has kind of had an antagonistic attitude towards Kim and Nick Rye. Mostly because they pushed her out of Prosperity and shunned her simply for looking like her father. She and Nick had a rough relationship after Jacqueline was charged with looking after him while he was working for the Highwaymen. She hinted at him multiple times that he knew who she was, despite looking unrecognizable to him. After the Twins died, she apologized to them both for her behavior and they did the same. Having realized she might look like John Seed, but was nothing like him in comparison.

Carmina Rye

[ Close Friends ]
Jacqueline and Carmina are quite close, despite appearing or people thinking otherwise. During Jacqueline's travels through Hope County, she ran into Carmina quite a bit. Often to trade information and beat up Highwaymen, but Jacqueline couldn't really shake her in all honesty. Not that she minded, having Carmina around made the world less crazy to her. She felt more accepted and welcomed whereas others pushed her away because of how she looked and where she was from. Because of Carmina's relentlessness to get to know Jacqueline better, the two grew to be pretty inseparable. Jacqueline learned from Carmina that Nick, her father, had been kidnapped by the Highwaymen and did whatever she could to make sure he wasn't hurt too badly. She even helped him escape by starting a fight with the other Highwaymen around them. After the Twins died, Carmina suggested taking all of the people from New Eden to Prosperity. After being reunited with her mother, Jacqueline and Carmina could be seen planning out scouting strategies for the area around them. In hopes to possibly expand as well. They often refer to each other as "cousins" and Jacqueline treats Carmina like a younger sister some times as well.

Irwin Smalls

[ Close Friends ]
Irwin approached Jacqueline with the hopes to kneecap some people that bothered him amongst the Highwaymen chapter in Hope County. Sometime later, the two decided to conspire to kill the Twins and try to stop the destruction they were impacting everywhere. Irwin was one of the few people that got to see her face under her Inquisitor's mask and got to know her real name too. Often referring to her as "Jax" whenever they were together. She can't say she wholly despises Irwin, she finds a lot of his quirks to be kinda goofy and well-fitting for him. They do get along as friends though and she hopes the best for him after he takes over the Highwaymen after the Twins are dead.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia


  • Chosen's Bow
  • .44 Magnum
  • Assualt Rifle
  • Eden's Gift (Wrath)

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Highly Intelligent
  • Stealth
  • Combative
  • Strong willed
  • Afraid of what others think/views of her are
  • Worries about her mother
  • Believes the world hates her


  • When she revealed her inhuman powers to the Highwaymen after winning the Destruction Derby, Jackie jokes that she showed the crooks around her what the "Power of Yes" is like. That saying, it seems like she's sees her uncontrollable rage as both a way to be closer to her father -- in a way -- and to show the world the monster that she was made out to be. She's also claimed she's been unable to actually realize if she can snap herself out of her maniac state. Though after almost killing Carmina Rye, she's taken precautions to not be so rash and try and reign in her anger.
  • All she wants is to be safe, with her family, and to one day know about her father. She's heard about everything people saw him as, but she does want to meet him. Although she's very much aware of the unlikelihood of that happening.
  • Much like in New Dawn's story, in an alternate universe where the Project at Eden's Gate wasn't interrupted by the Deputy, Jackie's referred to as "The Inquisitor" by New Eden. She very much carries on her father's legacy of cleansing the Sinners and non-believers that wish to join New Eden. However, she's not as harsh as her father is and her nickname is mostly just to scare people. She's very inquisitive though and often asks a lot of questions (in both timelines). She's also still regarded as "The Shepard" as well and is treated highly as being Joseph's supposed successor. Much like she was in New Eden in the original story line.
  • She loves camping in the outdoors. Believes it's very good to try and relax every now and then too. Which is ironic considering she's usually starting a fight somewhere.
  • Jacqueline was named after a woman that Emma ran into while she was traveling around the country. Some time before settling down in Hope County, Emma had run into a woman that took her in. Seeing how hungry and cold she was and deciding to help Emma out. Emma learned that the woman who took her in was dying but just wanted company before she passed away -- not wanting to be alone. She left Emma with a lot of memories, hopes, and money so she could find a place to live. Emma treasures the affection that Jacqueline (1) gave to her and so she wanted to name her first child after her -- regardless of their gender.
  • Jacqueline's "Inquisitor" attire is based off various references:
    • The skull is a bison skull; the headdress and likeness to Lara Croft's Wraithskin in Rise of the Tomb Raider. When asked about it later by Carmina Rye, Jackie relents that the reason she chose a bison skull was because it was the "monster" she faced when she found Joseph. She later tells Carmina that she's always felt like she related more to bisons than any other animals. Mostly because of the rage she feels towards the world: running into fights headfirst, creating as much damage and mayhem as possible, as well as being able to soak up a lot of damage when she's enraged.
    • Her belt buckle, which she found in her travels, is a nod to both the "all seeing eye" symbol and a nod to her being a member of the Seed Family. She found it while searching through old Eden's Gate properties. Though, she doesn't feel any kinship with the buckle itself, she feels like it's a way to sort of be closer to her father.
    • Rumor has it, that when she's enraged, Jackie's eyes glow a bright blue. Some say they've witnessed it flicker into a brighter color prior to her giving whoever the beat down of a lifetime. She just thinks it's people being delusional and not being able to take a punch.
  • The tattoos on her arm were done by her uncle, Cain Thompson. She knows her father loved to fly and couldn't decide on which tattoo she wanted more. So Cain left three on her left forearm. Sometimes she rubs it for good luck or smears blood on it for the same effect. Either way, she values the tattoo immensely.
  • The claws on her fingers and the tooth necklace she has are just trophies. The necklace are teeth from wolves and wolverines. The claws on her fingers were originally to help her with archery but are just cosmetic at this point. They can't cut anything because they've been weathered down, but they make for a good effect.
  • Jackie is 5'11" and she's actually quite self-conscious about her height to a degree. She hates that it makes her stand out (literally) and that it makes people think she's intimidating. Though her mother, Emma, laughs about it whenever Jackie gets nervous. Mostly because both her and John are shorter than Jackie is. So they both assumed the height was a nod to Jacob or someone else. But Jackie hates it when people point out how tall she is and gets easily wound up about it.
  • Huge Hall & Oats fan. Listens to them on her MP3 whenever she's alone. Cain gave that MP3 to her, with all the music on it too, as a birthday present. It's one of her more treasured items.
  • Eden's Gift Power:
    • The Sin of Wrath:
      • Jacqueline's power allows her to channel all her rage into a blind fury. Able to take out anything and everything in her way. She moves with remarkable speed and has enough strength to crack people's skulls. She jokes that she's "hulking out" when she goes into her frenzies because it's pretty much the sum of it. Able to lift heavy things with ease and kill anyone around her. She uses this to either make a point or when she's in a pinch.
      • She rarely uses this gift after dealing with the Highwaymen and the Twins. She hated it at first because she thought it made her into the monster people claimed she was. Jacqueline remarks that she also hates using her gift because she's unable to control herself. She surrenders herself to her anger when she uses it and because of this, is unable to tell the difference between friend and foe. However, she was able to snap out of it when she nearly used her ability to harm Carmina Rye. Since the Twins' death, she hasn't used it since.
      • Though she mostly uses melee attacks or blunt objects when she's using her gift, Jacqueline can also use firearms. She used them in her fight against Mickey and Lou. Gina and Lily claimed she looked like a tank as she was using their LMGs against the Twins.
  • After her encounter with Joseph and Ethan, Jacqueline stops using firearms entirely. Preferring to use bows, arrows, and whatever else she can make from scratch.
  • Face claim: Bebe Rexha.
