


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info





Basede offset Monarchy



Human form: 

Mr.Monarchy (strangers, aquantices,Workers,)


Monster form:

KIng,Queen, Basically any name that has to do with places of authority: (Aquantices, strangers) 

Boss: (Tyrone, Friends, some workers)



Late 30's



Human form: goes by make pronouns

monster form: goes by he/ she/they but prefers she or they






Tyrone (love interest?, worker,)

Boss picked of tyrone off the streets and Granted him a succubus shapeshifter card.(A powerful card that allows the user to Take its form and Powers.) The two have made love before =, and have got into fighting matches before, boss cares about ty even though he doesnt like to admit he does.

Todd (enemy)

Boss is very amused by tyrone and doesnt fear him one bit,  he considers  todd stupid cause he knows that hell never kill him.

Relick (enemy,ex wife)

Back in basedes days of being a cop, Him and relick were partners Both in and out of work. sadly when relick left to find a better job for him they both had a falling out andf their relatiobship fell apart. 

perris (child, daughter)

relicks and bers daughter, ber loves his kid but sadly because of his condition he cant spend alot of time with her in fear of her being hurt, and in fear of her figuring out about his "buisness"



Human form: Calm and seems chill(in a creepy way) but not afraid to get violent, he isnt afraid breaking some bones or snapping some necks to get what he wants, is willing to try new things and isnt afraid of the police, very cold can be generous.

Monster form: Same as the human form except  they are less chill, they get more exciteable about violence and danger, theyre kinda a whore, loves sex,violence, and lots od drug. the human ver of him absoloutely hates this version of him.


Powers/Abillities or Weapons:

human form: theyre slightly faster and stronger because theyre slightly alterd dna

transformation abillities 

(transformation abillity is a bit like a werewolf except it doesnt happen during fullmoons transformationis most of the time random when hes feeling a tick comining on he ties himself up or knocks himself out. hes most likely to transform when hes feeling  excited, stressed  etc but it can also happen randomly. he has to trasnform atleast ounce a month to ease his thirst  to be absoloutely crazy, after moments like this he'll get exhausted and will often  sleep.

if he has to he does have a gun he keeps with him at all times.

Monster form: can grow spkikes all over their body, they can also breathe a thick purple flame that is bright purple and glowing its faster, harder to put out and leave a nasty stain, they can heat up their body, and can transform people with special cards he makes turning them into minions and allies and example of this is tyrone


Location where they live:

stays in the forest away from the police, his minions stay in the city doing their jobs.



basede long ago worked as a cop with his wife and



gang leader





