


5 years, 2 months ago


  • Saferi

  • Age Mature Adult - 40's
  • Gender Female - She/Her
  • Species Huntail
  • Level 64
  • Text Color #1e52c9

"Do you dare tamper with the Sea Fury?"

Agressive • Solitary • Solemn


A striking mix of blue and black, this beast of the sea is a dazzling sight. But don't be fooled; fangs of fury back her every movement, and she would rather strike first and ask questions later. A Pokemon forced to go through the worst of what life had to offer, Saferi is a bitter eel who simply wants to be left alone. Others have brought her nothing but suffering, and if she must defend the little peace she has found, she is not afraid to do so.

Saferi is a powerful, massive, and well muscled Huntail. Unlike most of her species her body is a deep, rich black color, with dark and light shades of ocean blue fading along her length. The blue starts on the lateral sides of her eyes and encompasses the entirety of her body past her head. Her rich black color dots the blue with large and small splotches, giving her an appearance reminiscent of dappling light. All of her fins feature her light blue, and her tail also sports her darker shade. Her eyes have large yellow-gold irises, white scleras, and narrow pupils.

Along with unusual coloration she also has a few anatomical differences. Her head fin has five natural ridges dividing it, and the end of her tail is narrower than standard Huntails. She has grown large in her age, and her body has grown extra dorsal fins to fill her length. Aside from her massive, protruding fangs Saferi has an array of small, jagged teeth for shredding her prey.
However, what should have been a beautiful and dazzling specimen is a scarred, feral beast. A harsh life has left its mark on her body, with near every fin featuring a tear or hole in some way. Scars from all sorts of close encounters litter her body, from scratches, bites, and burns, they are all featured in one place or another. The most notable is the massive mark on her “chest” for its size, and the scratch on her left eye that trials down to her jaw.

[In RP] Saferi wears a necklace with three beloved pendants. The DeepSeaScale, Prism Scale, and Evolite are all useless to her but are precious, well guarded mementos of her true home, beloved girl, and the only peaceful time in her life. There is also a piece of netting stuck to her tail that she can not seem to shake free.

Important Design Notes:

  • A deep black Huntail with a blue gradient body. Black spotting dots the blue marks in smooth circles.
  • Intense golden-yellow eyes with narrow pupils.
  • The fish shaped end of her tail is a bit longer/narrower than normal.
  • Heavily scarred. Most fins should be tattered in some way. Scratch on her left eye, a scar or two on her lips/jaw, and the large scar on her chest are required. The rest of her scars/tattering have artistic freedom for the intensity/placement/hue.
  • Head fin has five sections/divisions (optional detail).
  • [RP] Thin fish net stuck on her tail, and she wears a three pendant necklace (DeepSeaScale, Prism Scale, Evolite). (Optional, and preferred without.)
height 6’03”

Weight 72.5 lbs

Item Prism Scale, Evolite, and Deepseascale necklace

Ability Swift Swim

Nature Bold

Characteristic Strong Willed

Birthplace Kalos [Captivity]

Trainer Status Returned to Nature

Orientation Heterosexual / Disinterested

Devotion Atheist [Kyogre in curse]

Name Origin Made up word

Inspiration A badass, non-derpy Huntail


  • Being Left Alone
  • Peace and Quiet
  • Crab [Krabby]


  • Company / Humans / Children
  • Deep / Open Water
  • Vast / Open Spaces
  • Waste / Damage

Character Traits


The Good Days

Saferi was bred in captivity and was quickly bought by a young, rich child who was no more then 8. Her unique and pretty colors couldn't be passed up for her home aquarium and offered the perfect touch of beauty and grace. Still too young to be a trainer owning many spectacular fish brought the child close to the creatures she loved so dearly. Saferi by far was her favorite, always seeming so friendly and responsive to her despite being a clam. The two would spend hours chatting, the girl doing all the talking and the Saferi cooing as she listened.

When it came time for the child to leave on her own Pokemon journey she knew her fish friends were going to be left behind. As much as she loved them, having Pokemon bound to water to start her journey would be a major strain and, regardless, they had no battle experience. Her farther had bought her shiny Vulpix as a starter, extra beautiful for his precious little girl. With a heartfelt goodbye she wished her friends well and promised to stop by back home soon. At first the Campearl didn't understand, confused as to where her best friend had gone and why it was taking so long to see her again. Growing lonely she continued to wonder though she received no answer.

Without an explanation and time passing without any enrichment Saferi fell into a perpetual state. Hardly responsive to the man who remained, merely eating his nutrient rich food and swelling in size, the Bivalve Pokemon just existed without purpose. Weeks, or months, passed without an end in sight. However, even this was not to stay. Late one night the Clamperl noticed strange shadowy figures moving through the house. She had never seen this anomaly and watched the shadows come closer to her room. In a strange instance of light she and a few other fish Pokemon were snatched away in their Pokeballs.

The Bad Days

The thieves didn't keep their catch for long. The unique colors made them easily recognizable in a group and they were sold off in all directions. Saferi was sent off rather quickly, constantly changing hands and moving between people. Any sense of location was lost the Camperl felt unwanted and terrified. When an odd fang was thrown on her she evolved when traded to yet another new owner. Scared and confused the new Huntail didn't get a chance to adapt to her new body: she was thrown straight into battle with a much stronger fish to test her strength. It was no surprise when she lost, much to her owners rage. Irritated, he threw the water type into a brutal, rigorous training regime.

Going from a placid, sedentary life style to this was absolute hell. The constant strain on her body was torturous to say the least. For every incorrect action she was shocked with electricity, and every correct action was rewarded with a harder one. The Huntail hardly had time to rest, her body in constant pain as it was forced to strengthen. Eventually she was again thrown into the ring. This time, however, it wasn't a practice match. The rival Pokemon was out for blood. Her owner wasn't a trainer; he hosted illegal fights to the death to get money. The matches had high bets riding on their victor, and the participants couldn't wait for the odd looking newbie Huntail to be ripped to shreds. Saferi was to prove them wrong.

Now used to her body, after feeling agony in every square inch of it, the Huntail was surprised by her own violence against the Mantine. Fueled by fear the inexperienced Saferi ripped at the opposing Pokemon with her powerful fangs. The watchers were shocked by the outcome, the Mantine hardly escaping with its life as its owner recalled it. As Saferi trembled in the corner of the bloody water, taking in what she had just done, her owner was pleased. After that, it was a whole new world of pain. As a promising young fighter the Huntail was trained for the fights against her 'team mates' and in real matches.
Failure was not an option. The Huntail was the prize of the abusive mans collection and, anytime she even came close to losing, he would pull the match. Losing the match wasn't bad enough as she would be beaten ensure she didn't make those mistakes again. Her life continued like this for years on end, slowly making the creature grow cold and bitter.


Then they were busted. The police found the ring that the water types would fight in, taking anyone present into custody and confiscating all Pokemon. Saferi simply glared at them with dark, gold eyes.
The Pokemon were taken to a place where their behavior could be evaluated. A few, mostly new comers and breeders, had retained their gentle and timid natures. However, most of the fighting Pokemon had become too violent for the peoples liking. Saferi was no exception. She would hide in the back of her container, glaring at those that came close and snapping at anything that approached the water. The majority were to be put down when they received a call- A Sanctuary in Humilau City was willing to home the fish, giving them a peaceful life and hopefully rehabilitating them for happiness. Once the paperwork went through the water types were shipped off to the far corner of Unova.

The aquariums were large, the food plentiful, and the people patient and gentle. Though her old prison-mates attempted to change over the coming weeks the Huntail refused to open up. She sat in the shadowed rock fixture of her container, keeping to herself and not bothering with the humans. She couldn't trust them.. but if they left her alone they could have a mutual relationship. Eventually, she could see that this was a good place, but she didn't want to be proactive. This life was simple enough for her, allowing the eel to have a little rest and forget the pain she had grown up on.
Her luck wasn't to last though. Some kids heard that the Sanctuary had powerful Pokemon in it and wanted in. They broke in one night and Saferi could see them trying to break the containers nearby. She was outraged. These Pokemon deserved the peace and the kids deserved her teeth. Doing the only thing she could think of the Huntail launched herself out of her container and at one of the boys, specifically his throat. He screamed, his friends flailing to find the water types Pokeball in the dark. One boy finally found it next to her container and once returned the kids fled.

This wasn't what they were expecting at all. In over their heads and too ashamed to return the Pokemon they had stolen the kids threw the Pokeball into the ocean, not wanting anything to do with the violent Huntail as they ran off to the hospital. The button tapped against a rock as it bounced around and released her, the eel more scared then she was angry. Having never been in the wild before and always in small cages with calm water the expanse of ocean was overwhelming. The push of the waves threw her against rocks, jostled her agaisnt the sand, and overall made her hate this new body of water. Sticking to the shadows she swam, looking for anything smaller then this endlessness stretch of water. Unaware of the dangers the eel Pokemon found herself running into fish nets, dead ends, and dangerous plants and Pokemon. This shit was hell. Eventually she found a cave, finding the enclosed space to be much more comforting. But even here her troubles were not over. Hunting wasn't much of a problem, it seemed to come naturally to the eel, many of the cave fish, however, were as dangerous and non-welcoming as her.


Refusing to go back out into the open water Saferi decided to do the only thing she knew how: fight. Over the coming months the Huntail fought the wild Pokemon, somehow restraining herself from killing them, and climbed a virtual respect ladder. The other Pokemon were strong but they came to recognize Saferi as the strongest, the queen of the cave. They avoided her at all costs, and she liked that. The cave wasn't as nice as the Sanctuary, was larger then the fighting quarters, and the food had to be tracked down, but it was alright. All she wanted was to be left alone, stop having her life changed.. Keeping to the corner like always the Huntail didn't bother the other Pokemon unless they did so first. It was.. an okay existence.
Trainers often fished in her pool, some of the prey Pokemon would go for the bait or even the bigger ones when bored. Saferi wasn't fooled- after watching so many of them get beaten or captured she knew better. But one particular lure drew her attention. The trainer kept fishing for hours with many bites on her line, but kept throwing the fish back. Curiosity wormed its way into the eel, something was different about this. Reluctantly, she bit the line and let herself be pulled up.

Her eyes went wide. Sitting before her was the aged but still completely recognizable face of her owner, of her girl back from her time as a Camperl. "Saferi?" the ace trainer said in a voice of similar astonishment. The Huntails cold heart melted, she was finally reunited with the only good person in her life. The girl cooed things about her journey, missing the Camperl, and returning home to the break in. She pointed to her necklaces, mementos she picked up from her old fish tank when she heard her closest friends had been stolen. She told her of becoming a great trainer and what she done. How even with her Ninetales by her side she was always a bit lonely without her beloved Clampearl.. Even after all these years the girl was the same one she remembered..

The renuniun was short lived. The girl was holding a Pokeball, preparing to capture her friend again. Saferi was all for it, her trust in the girl never faltering, but was distracted by a shadow behind the girl. The Huntail cried out, but it was too late. The Rhydon with glowing red eyes stabbed its horn threw the girls back and threw her against the wall. There was a splash as several things fell in the water and she was momentarily disoriented before striking back. With all her strength the Huntail attacked the Rock Type, even lunging out of the water to sink her fangs into it. The purplish, discolored Pokemon eventually succumbed to her onslaught, and the gasping, weakened fish felt faint. She checked on her owner.. but even from the waters edge the Huntail knew she was gone.

Broken for the last time Saferi could no longer stay in her cave home. Not with that body there.. not with the other one ether. She stared to swim away when a shimmer caught her eye- the necklaces, they had fallen in the water.. Slipping them onto her slimy body the Huntail forced herself to go into open water an started searching for a new home once more.


Violent Saferi

| Brooding | Bitter | Angry | Dangerous | Non trusting | Reserved | Trigger Happy | Vicious | Antisocial | Broken | Dangerous | Solitary | Territorial | Quiet | Aggressive | Temperamental | Prideful | Ticking Time-bomb | Collected | Blood Thirsty | Solemn |

Saferi is cold, bitter, and mean. Life has not been kind to her so she is not kind to it. Blunt, harsh, and angry, she takes no bullshit and solves all her problems with her two primary weapons: anger and brute force.

A solitary creature, Saferi does not like other Pokemon. She has no use for friends as her only true friend is dead. As long as they don't bother her she will tolerate them being in the vicinity but under no circumstance will she be 'friends' with them. If left alone others are not her problem and will receive no problem from her. Even if they are being killed right in front of her its none of her business, the only action coming from her being fighting for the best piece of meat if hungry.

However, she is quite easily pissed off and provoked. Once her blood has started to boil she will not back down. Highly aware of her own strength this ruthless Huntail is not afraid to fight and will always resort to it. Pain and blood are her allies, fueling her rage to get the job done. Her old body can take a real beating, or at least she can after all the blood it has had to shred.

Used to small cages and enclosures she gets very uncomfortable in open water. Finding any territory that is comfortable is a godsend, making her defend it with her life. As such having a home thats actually nice will be one of if not the only joy in her life. Take that away or damage it at all and this eel will become unpredictable.
She is also also more found of shallow water as long as it doesnt move too much. Both the surface and open water are the bane of her existence and irritate her mood.


Scum Tail

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Bell? Items?

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Other Notes:

  • TM was taught by her fight owner to give her more of an edge during her matches, though she really didn't need it.
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