Celestial Constellation



5 years, 1 month ago


Celestial Constellation
Snow Leopard | Speed | Neutral 

23+ Years | Female

Spouse: None
Sexuality: Bisexual



Raised with her brother Zack, she always had good times with him, watching stars and sitting on the roof of the house, being with her father Damien, who always took her out to fish on the lake near by. After long, they were getting older and things were happening in the village. Many of the guards of it were rounding people up for some far off war, though, not many only 5 of them really joined from there, but before the village could get ready to send anyone off, they were attacked for treason, Celestial and Zack tried to find there mother or father in the confusion, however, they got exasperated in the chaos, when Celestial finally found her mother, Makala, she burned right in front of her face. Scared to death, she ran out of the village and toward a cave to hide, she stayed there for three days, till someone came across and found her, Sarta was her, she took Celestial and raised her from there, so to her, Sarta is like a mom.

She began to travel more and got the hang of it, when 17, she came across a fellow called Erebus Aviden, a Demon Hunter, in a field white roses, she had watched him till falling from the tree tops, him about to shot her. She made friends with him instead, from there, they went Harbinger hunting, killing many of the beats off in over 3 month. After that adventure, she took a break and stayed at Sarta's for the time being. After she turned 18, she went traveling with him again, after knowing his wings were burnt, she went out of her way to try and help him, running into a Vampire called Amrit De' Leon in the process (what Erebus hunted), they had a quarrel down in the tomb after he had awoken, Erebus trying to kill him, however, it didn't happen, Celestial stopping the two, Erebus stomped up the stairs, leaving the two alone. Celestial had talked to Amrit for a while, getting to know him in that lil bit time. They became fast friends. After that, there had been many more adventures. Last but not least, Amrit has purposed to her not to long ago.




- She's telekinetic, though she doesn't often use it anymore, seeing as her friend Erebus lost his wings, thus losing his own way to fly. She only uses it in desperate times.

- She has the ability to use ice.

- Ability to teleport long distances. Though more further it is, or more people involved, it exhausts her.

- Her tail can be used as an indicator for her health. If red, she's close to death. Same with the bracelet she keeps around her wrist.

- Meat makes her ill. So she prefers vegetables, and vegan options.

Job: Traveler

Talents: Telekinesis, ice magic, teleportation [short, or long distance], some healing magic

Hobbies: Growing vegetables, hunting down harbringers, mercenary for hire

Songs: -