


5 years, 21 days ago


Name: Elayna
Gender: cis woman (she/it)
Birthday: April 19th
Age: early 20s
Species: Demon (once human)
Height: 168cm (5ft6)
Eye colour: Red
Likes: Sweets, the colour pink
Dislikes: Dried sardines, broken vases
Hobby: Tea parties, shopping
Sexuality: Bisexual

A ditzy young woman who's here to make friends. She has a love for all things cute and loves to dress up. Tea parties are her specialty, her creature companion Strawberry (affectionately named a cat) often joins her for these, tagging along for many other ventures too.

She has a loving girlfriend Niki, they're very sweet together. Sometimes Niki's a bit over protective but they seem to balance each other out most of the time.

Vanilla is another friend, a glamorous demon man that Elayna looks up to quite a bit. They get along well sharing fashion ideas and all sorts. Niki doesn't like him but puts up with it for Elayna.

Cat is an ancient demon lord, another of Elayna's friends they share an affinity for tea and talking.

Insomnia another demon lord is Elayna's so called mother, the one who made her a demon. Elayna is her favourite and the one she is most protective of but Elayna also seems to manage to get away with more than you would expect

Nymeria is another demon made by Insmonia, her and Elayna are very good friends.

Another thing about Elayna is she doesn't feel much pain, this leads to many cuts, bruises and other injuries usually going unnoticed by her. Its not uncommon to see her with some sort of bandaid. This is of course another concern for Niki.

Strawberry, pet
Niki, girlfriend
Vanilla, friend
Nymeria, friend
Insmonia, kindof her mother, made her a demon
Cat, friend

Design notes:
Insides, mouth, blood are all blue
Piercing in each earlobe
Upper band on tail is cutting into it
