


9 years, 5 months ago


Name: Lionel

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Slut //shot Homosexual, most likely??

Relationship Status: Forever single :: Has benefits with Shika

Personality: Slutty, acts innocent and shy, though he has a bit of a temper sometimes. He's spoiled and typically gets his way, like that spoiled child who has rich parents and make up for their bad parenting by giving him whatever he wants because they're never home. So he basically lives alone. Except, you know, always having partners over for the night. He doesn't like feeling tied down emotionally though physically isn't a problem.

Likes: Having his hair and ears played with.

Dislikes: Tail being pulled, being bossed around 

Tattoos: Rose tattoo on his lower stomach (sort of bordering between his stomach and hip on the right side)

Piercings: Left eyebrow, left ear, both hips, prince albert

Bonus Trivia: Has an older brother named Leonard (aka Lenny) who he does not get along with