


5 years, 18 days ago


Born and Raised

There was a time, when people simply didn't love him. Maybe it was the yellow-ish teeth and bad kept pelt, but it wasn't his fault, he was living in the streets and doing what he could to survive. To cold and to warmth. Goya was born on the streets but never saw his mother again after a rescue group came and took all his siblings, leaving him behind. At the time he was the weakest and couldn't cry for help as his brothers and sisters did, so behind he stayed.

He was fostered by a pit bull, his only known family, this was his father basically. Growing up, people frowned looking at the duo, but Goya didn't mind he had company and someone to care for, he was happy like that, tongue most of the times out and tail wagging like crazy when dinner and play time came.

Nothing Lasts Forever

Humans always come and go, so the young bull terrier didn't worry when some child started to play with him. His dad kept watching them from afar so he felt safe. Until... The kid decided he liked that dog and wanted him, he run right after his elder and hide under his body whining, pleading to stay with him, he didn't want to left someone behind like they did to him. The older dog simply stayed put and the kid didn't get closer to them, but his mind was set on the younger dog.

The kid name was Samael and being a teenager, he was hard to deal with. Specially because he was half-breed, with demon blood. One day, Goya was distracted eating some chicken a little girl had left behind, his dad was out somewhere and that's when the little demon got him. Goya tried to leave his arms but the kid wouldn't simply let him go. Goya looked at him and showed his teeth, but the teen only said:

"Yup, I'll take you home and take care of you. You are out of shape." With confidence and started to walk, the apartment was in complete silence, which was scary. Once on the floor, with all the windows and the home door closed, Goya decided to explore the space, this was his second time inside a house, the first one, he went in to steal some food.

He wanted his dad, to be honest, he felt sad. He wouldn't know where he went, how he was, if he was safe. How sad this life would become...

All We Have

Nothing lasts forever, but love last for an eternity. Goya had now white teeth, he was in general a very wealthy dog. Trained and doing lots of exercise beside the demon. But still missing the only family he knew. Now, Samael is a demon but not heartless, and knew from his own experience, loneliness could do a whole lot of damage, damage he didn't need or want. So... They started to search on the streets for the pitbull who raised his now best friend, Goya.

Notes about  his design:

Goya  eyes are grey almost looking blind.

When very angry/mad/upset... they are pale green.

About Goya:

He is a very energetic dog.

Loves to play and play-fight.

Very happy dog and very silly.

Loves his human-demon friend and his dad.