Experiment T (ATP)



8 years, 1 month ago


**** please color her skin with 75% opacity! ****

The story of Experiment T: Artificial Transparent Pearl #20

I awoke for the first time in a brightly lit and painfully white room. I had no thoughts, I just was. Towering over me was a god. If perfection had a body, it would have been encased within the crisp confineds of the lab jacket before me. It was strange to gaze upon that face, when all that I saw was my reflection glinting back at me. Is that me? How strange I look, I remember thinking, how naive I was back then.

The first words I heard her speak are tattood upon my soul. 
"Hm. The experiment appears to be a success".

Experiment? What a lovely word. What is an experiment?
. If only I could appreciate what that would hold in store for me, maybe I would not have thought the word so exquisite. 

"Log 1.18.219: Experiment T is a tentative success. The subject appears to be without physical defect and cognisant. An improvement on Experiment S. Now to determine intelligence."

Her head tilted down towards me and on reflection, I should have followed my urge to flee. I was roughly hauled up with that strong grip, leaving bruises that I cherished for weeks afterwards. 

"Do you know what you are? That is right, a what"

That really should have been the second indicator of what my life would be like but I did not dare voice my thoughts.

"I thought not. You are a pearl. No, you are an artifical pearl. Less than a pearl. You are not a gem. You are not an individual. Never assume you are not expendable, you are NOTHING. You are Experiment T, and that's all you'll ever be. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not think unless told to. You will not act unless ordered to. You will serve, wholly and loyally. Nothing less will suffice. And if you do not perform p e r f e c t l y, I will have your existence erased. IS. THAT. CLEAR."

My cruelest mistress. I like to delude myself to think that she truly cares about me, after all she never made another experiment like me. Her actions have grown tender over the eons, less rough, more gentle. I didn't ask for this existence, and yet, I cannot think of living any other way.