Radio McMurderson



5 years, 5 months ago


Radio Information


Full Name: Radio McMurderson

Gender: Female

Nature: Serious, Silent, Sarcastic, Highly Judgemental, Never Smiles


Species: Beblune

Abnormal Traits: Black Sclera (mutation), Webbed Wings (rare)


Title(s): Sniper, Mercenary, Silent Assassin, Silent but Deadly (as Satellite puts it), Satellite's Sister

Preferred Weapons: Knife, Sniper Rifle (with silencer), Machete 

Abilities: Can Mimic (or tries to mimic) Accents, Resulting in a French-Russian Hybrid, Great at Sneaking Around and Spying

Radio McMurderson

As a mercenary for hire, she takes her job with the upmost seriousness, as long as a check is provided. Despite this, it is rumored that she may fake her target's deaths...though there is no source of confirmation. The mere stare of Radio is enough to send shivers down one's spine- a glare so dark and cold, that one could imagine she has grown used to horrors to a point of expressionlessness.     

Although Satellite promoted himself to the leader of the mercenary group, "The McMurdersons", Radio may have been better suited due to her tactical, silent, and observant skills. There seems to be some sort of drama between Radio and her brother, whether it's due to Satellite's enjoyment in committing murder, or a messy past. Despite this, Satellite tends to look out for his sibling, even if Radio threatens him with a knife if he so much as gets close.

Anonymous Reports

[Entry #5]

"The sister is not like the all. From a distance, I could just barely make out their conversations. I would have moved in closer but...I wouldn't have wanted her to catch my breathing...but I got enough to tell the difference"

"For starters, she isn't in it for some sort of ego. While she may bring up the financial side of the deal- it may be just a hunch but- I get the feeling it's just a cover...Of course, just as I think that, she snaps at her brother with violent threats..."

"I don't know. She is undoubtedly dangerous, especially after hearing- or, I guess, not hearing how silent she is. She is definitely more conservative in comparison to her brother- who would practically fire off cannons to draw more attention to his general area...And she would seem to be more of an expert in getting the job done without drawing a crowd...but still...something seems...different- maybe off..."

"This is ******, signing off"

[Entry #8]

"Just when I think I'm safe, this- ruckus from the- vents springs out. I should have known better than to push my luck...The- vents, of all things I previously had to worry about..."

"I just can't seem to escape her, as if she is some sort of predator locked onto my scent. If it weren't for her dropping something in the ducts or- vents above, you wouldn't be hearing this...but now that she's probably heard me running, I'm a dead one"

"I...I need to...This is ******, signing off"