
5 years, 1 month ago


Working in Talon and Fang's casino as the live entertainment (aside from the strippers) he is the DJ in the house. He gets along very well with his bosses and is not afraid to get aggro on them if he's upset about something. Fang usually helps him out.

Thanks to him being a "created" dragon, he has abilities most born dragons can't even fathom, such as changing color at will and being able to see without eyes. He can also glow in the dark and can easily be a one-dragon party with his skills. Plus, despite being a quadruped, he has very dexterous digits, making holding, selecting, and scratching even easier.

However, he is very fragile and cannot get into fights, or else he might break a piece of himself. While he cannot "bleed" like a normal dragon, he can still "leak" the fluids that give him his rave-like abilities. The only way to get them back is through bed rest and LOTS of glow sticks and fluorescent light bulbs.