Afraax's Comments

Captain_Prichi Could I please adopt this character? I favorited Captain Prichi.

pretty sure!! lemme transfer it

Thank you very much. :D

Didn’t know you liked home stuck 👁👄👁

Oh my gosh this dude is amazing! He would fit so well in my world and story. He would be Morails with Vix but he would have red feelings for her but keep it secret(as the story progresses he would end up accidentally confessing to her and she returns his red feelings) he would know of Megan but he wouldn't be quite sure what to think of her. I might ended up making him a bronze blood or some form of green. In my story they ended up having to leave Alternia and find themselves on a Alien planet called Alberdeen , unsure how they got there they need to make sure how to start living there or how to leave but to do either they have to work together. Thank you for the chance and this guy is amazing <3 
