


5 years, 23 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Name: Maxwell

Gender: Boy

Age: 13

Height: 5'2


Personality: Maxwell is a very timid boy. He gets anxious easily but plays it off usually. Maxwell is very playful and will gladly (with no hesitance) walk up to any kid to ask if they'd like to play. He often loves to pretend he is a super-hero. Thus, the cape around his neck. Though, other kids deem him weird, and overly-excited for his love of super-heroes. But yet, Maxwell doesn't let them bother him at all and continues his love for super-heroes without a single complaint. Maxwell tends to get very adventurous at times and will go to the extent of danger for a good ol' kick of entertainment. 

Likes: Maxwell loves (as you can see) super-heroes. He has always looked up to super-heroes his whole life and let's his inspirations guide him throughout his life. 

Skateboarding: Though, Maxwell doesn't skate-board too often, he still has a passion for skateboards. Just like if you can't sing and have a love of music. You still sing right? 

Speaking of music, Maxwell loves to go out in the rain with his rain-boots and stomp in the puddles. Attempting to make music, but everything just results in messy boots. But Maxwell doesn't let that bother him. 

The ocean: Maxwell has always had a place in his heart for the azure seas. He'd always sneak off to visit the beach, (only ten minutes away from where he lives) to go swim or just take a nice, long stroll on the sandy beaches. 

Dislikes: Spiders: Yes, Maxwell knows the fear is common. But he can't stand big spiders. He doesn't mind little spiders at all, as long as they stay away from him. 

When people chew loudly: We all have friends that do this pet peeve some people have. Maxwell hates it with his guts. It makes him want to snap a pencil in half if he even relatively hears someone chewing loudly. Of course, he wouldn't actuall really break the pencil. 

The fabric velvet: It may seem odd, to hate a frabic right? Well, to Maxwell, he doesn't care if it's odd or not, he absolutely hates velvet. Maxwell doesn't like the way velvet feels on his fingers and physically cringes when he comes into contact with velvet. Which is why he chose to make his cape cotton. A soft, yet nice fabric in his opinion.

Background information: Maxwell lived a nice, clean life before he found his cape. He sought residence in Wellington, Florida. The state known for it's rain and sunshine. Though, specifically the beaches. Maxwell went to a nice public school with tons of friends. And that never changed, he is still friends with many of his school friends to this day. Even if they got separated when they got into middle school. Maxwell had a pet parrot once, the parrot was named: Kiki. Kiki was Maxwell's best friend until one day, he made the mistake of bringing her outside. Kiki sadly flew away after Maxwell wanted to see her fly. Though, Maxwell was too young to realize that Kiki would fly away. Due to Maxwell's young mindset, Kiki flying away didn't really bother him as much as it should've. One day, when Maxwell was looking out, (watching a storm pass like always) Maxwell promised himself he'd walk outside after it passed. Thus, Maxwell found his destined cape whilst he was walking along the wet road shortly after a storm hit. Bored out of his mind at home, Maxwell decided to walk around outside to enjoy the nice, warm air. He found the cape lying outside, dirtied by the wet ground and running soil due to all of the rain. The cape was red, his favorite color. Previous stains of a pattern that was once there was shown on the cape. But wiped away from the rain. Maxwell smiled with glee when he found the cape and picked it up. Quickly, Maxwell trudged back home to clean his new, beloved cape. He decided to take stuffing out of a few pillows lying around his house and attached them to the corners of his cape with sewing.