


5 years, 1 month ago


(Science in this universe is cartoony/simple)

A scientist trying to make a clone of his late childhood dog accidentally got their own DNA in the mix and created a human dog hybrid with the traits of the dog and themself 

They raised their new creation as their son as obligation 

Dash, an adult now, is a very friendly and outgoing guy. He is always eager to help his “parent” and other scientists out around the lab but is never allowed to do a whole lot before he’s asked to wait outside. His tails always wagging and his curiosity is always growing. 


-Even if he can sometimes give the impression of being child like with his boundless energy, he is a fully developed adult physically, emotionally and mentally 

-He really likes chasing birds and small animals but doesn’t know what to do with them when he catches them so he just lets them go 

-Doesn’t like wearing clothes but can stiffly tolerate them like dogs sometimes do 

-Collar has a chip that prevents him from leaning the lab grounds.